Sunday, July 14, 2013

National Right to Life News This Week 7/14/2013

         National Right to Life News This Week!


Texas Senate passes HB 2, pro-life measure on to Texas Gov. Perry

Texas State Rep.Jason Villalba held a sonogram showing his unborn son during debate over HB2
By Dave Andrusko Just after midnight when the Texas Senate passed HB 2, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst (who presides over the Senate) tweeted that “Love wins tonight as the Texas Senate stood firmly on the right side of history.”

Reflections on the battle over HB 2: love versus chaos

By Andrew Bair, Field Coordinator, National Right to Life Amid echoes of the frenzied shouting of opponents in the Capitol Rotunda, the Texas Legislature finally passed House Bill 2, a pro-life omnibus bill extending legal protection to pain-capable unborn children

National Right to Life Praises Passage of Texas Bill to Protect Mothers and Their Unborn Childrn

    WASHINGTON (July 18, 2013) – Early this morning, by a vote of 19-11, the Texas Senate gave final passage to HB 2, a bill that would provide protection for unborn children who are capable of feeling pain,

11-year-old Chilean Girl Chooses Life

By Rai Rojas BelĂ©n is the pseudonym she’s chosen to use to tell us her story. She’s an 11-year-old girl from a small, southern and rural Chilean town. And even at this tender age she has known inconceivable hurt

The pain may be worse for unborn babies aborted at 20 weeks

By Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D., NRL Director of Education and Research Defenders of late abortions try to argue that the unborn child at twenty weeks is not capable of feeling pain, claiming the connections in the fetal brain

The exhilaration of seeing a room full of pro-life youth

By Melissa Ohden Editor’s note. Melissa, the survivor of a “failed” saline abortion in 1977, speaks all over the world including at the last three National Right to Life Conventions. She writes frequently for NRL News Today.

PolitiFact Nails Maddow for Blatant Lie About Ohio Abortion Law

Rachel Maddow
By Jack Coleman Editor’s note. This appeared yesterday at The bad blood between Rachel Maddow and PolitiFact goes back more than two years, ever since they slammed her for resorting to fiction while describing the Wisconsin state budget.

In Defense of Pro-Life Texas Gov. Rick Perry

Pro-life Texas Gov. Rick Perry addresses the National Right to Life Convention as NRLC President Carol Tobias looks on.
By Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life Committee I arrived in Dallas on Tuesday, June 25, the eve of our 43rd annual National Right to Life Convention. The news dominating the state was the filibuster of Senate Bill 5,

What we can learn from “Trends in Public Attitudes toward Abortion”

NRLC in Austin, Texas
(left to right) Melissa Zierke, Evan Marist, James Balch, Andrew Bair, and Christine Rouselle.
By Dave Andrusko Presumably the reason for the story on abortion and public opinion written by the Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty was the release of the latest data from the National Opinion Research Center.

Multi-provisional pro-life bill heads to North Carolina Senate

By Dave Andrusko By a 74-41 margin, the North Carolina House of Representatives has voted for a bill with multiple pro-life provisions that would save the lives of unborn children from abortion by banning sex selection abortions, 

Why “My Mother Regretted her abortion” is such an important essay

By Dave Andrusko It is not the least bit surprising that an essay in which Beth Matusoff Merfish lauds her mother for having had an abortion before she was born would generate a lot of response.

Abortion mob sinks to new low: threatens legislators, bill supporters

By Andrew Bair The debate over the Texas Preborn Pain bill revealed the face of the abortion movement. On June 25th, the last day of the first called Special Session, abortion advocates caused a disturbance in the Senate chamber,
Check out the full stories and more at:


National Right to Life
512 10th St., NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20004