Contraception causes many of the problems we're dealing with: abortion, redefinition of marriage, promiscuity, you name it.
But what about Natural Family Planning?
People on both sides of the culture wars are misled into believing that NFP is just Church-approved contraception.
But the truth is, NFP and contraception are two completely different things.
Want to know more? Just look below. We've got you covered.
John Martin
Mission Advancement
The Catholic Church teaches that choosing to make oneself infertile through contraception is irresponsible and an “intrinsic evil.” Married couples are called to embrace and to be open to children, who are a living sign of their love.
Does Medicaid Cover Abortions?
Around a quarter of abortions are directly funded by taxpayers through Medicaid. Many more abortions are also funded through various other direct and indirect ways.
What is the Role of Conscience in Moral Decision-Making?
A properly‑formed Catholic conscience has been rigorously educated, is fully aware of the intrinsically evil nature of abortion and other evils, and is led to vigorously oppose them.
Stand Against Transgender Madness
Progressive ideologues are so intent on breaking down every barrier, distinction, reality they find inconvenient or oppressive in pursuit of their radically re-envisioned society, they seem never to give a thought to what happens when all the laws, distinctions, and truths that guided society and protected the vulnerable are gone.
Looking to St. Joseph for Inspiration
The foster-father of Christ simply has so much to teach about the nature of authentic fatherhood, service, and holiness. And he has so much to teach all of us about how to go about building a Culture of Life.
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