Friday, January 17, 2025

New Insights from the Human Life Review 1/17/2025



Human Life Foundation | 271 Madison Avenue Room 1005 | New York, NY 10016 US

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"We Want Mamma!"

By Jason Morgan

[Matsui Kazu explains:] The government wants children to spend long hours in daycare so their mothers (and fathers) can work long hours and pay taxes, though there are not nearly enough professional, dedicated, nursery-school teachers to act in loco parentis. Part-time staff, with little to no training and, sometimes, little to no dedication, are brought in to make up the difference. Here is where the bottom begins to fall out.


Ohio Abortion Lobby Doesn't Want Women to Be Told Baby Has a Heartbeat

By Matt Lamb

One reason the industry might oppose the law is that women tend to choose life, and thus won’t give money to Planned Parenthood, the more they know about their babies. For example, a 2024 report from Heartbeat International found “80% of women considering an abortion choose life when they see an ultrasound.”


A Stunning Defeat for Irish Elites

From the 50th Anniversary Summer/Fall Issue of the Human Life Review

By David Quinn

Without really thinking of the consequences, [Ireland has] been rushing pell-mell into the same set of social norms as most of the rest of the Western world. ... All of the above is by way of setting the scene for a surprising recent development in Ireland—one that will encourage the readers of the Human Life Review—namely, the resounding defeat of two more referendums intended to usher us further down the path of “progress.” And these were referendums that the government was extremely confident they would win.


An Irish Take on the U.S. Election

By Margaret Hickey

[W]hile Ireland may not be as ostensibly convulsed as so much of America is, this election result was certainly something of a shot that echoed through the country’s corridors of power and influence. It has implications for every country currently dealing with the same issues that challenge America—delusional gender ideology and the curbs on freedom of expression necessary to advance it; regulatory overreach, particularly in relation to net carbon targets; sex education and abortion.


"May I Interrupt You?" "Go Right Ahead"

By Fr. Gerald E. Murray

Someone once remarked that life is a series of interruptions. That certainly is the case for the pastor of a parish in the city that never sleeps! Yet this description of day-to-day life really applies to just about everyone. ... And all too often an interruption is an obstacle to getting things done in a timely manner.


Homily for Epiphany

By Rev. George Brooks

[T]he wise men would not have been drawn to Christ if they had not first been attracted to the people of whom Christ was born: the Jews—to their practice of religion, to their God who made his people so distinctive and exemplary. And the same is true today. People will be drawn to Jesus only if they find his people—Christians, and our way of life—attractive to them.


Iowa House Speaker Promotes Focus on "Alternatives" over Further Protections for the Unborn

By Matt Lamb

Iowa’s House speaker is suffering from a bad case of either/or syndrome. He recently suggested that helping women choose life should come ahead of legal protections for preborn babies in the Hawkeye State, rather than supporting both types of legislation with equal focus.


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50th Anniversary Summer/Fall Issue Online!


USCCB Respect Life: 9 Days for Life: Day 2


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If you or someone you know is suffering from participation in abortion, confidential, compassionate help is available. Visit


May each person suffering from participation in abortion find forgiveness, hope, and healing in Christ.


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


Countless children’s lives have been ended by abortion, and countless parents and family members suffer guilt, grief, and regret—often in silence. Yet God’s greatest desire is to forgive. No matter how far we have each strayed from His side, He says to us, “Don’t be afraid. Draw close to my heart.” Be assured that it is never too late to seek God's forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Consider the parable of the Prodigal Son. After repenting of sinning against his father, he returns from far away to seek forgiveness and work as a servant. But his father sees him approaching, runs to warmly embrace him, and hosts a banquet to celebrate his return. So, too, does God welcome all His children who come to Him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation with contrite hearts, no matter how serious the sin. Let us turn confidently to Our Lord, Who is love and mercy.


Abstain from meat today.

  • Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for today’s intention.
  • Offer some other sacrifice, prayer, or act of penance that you feel called to do for today's intention.


If a friend confided in you that she had an abortion, would you be able to listen and respond in a way that brings her closer to forgiveness and healing? Learn how in "How to Talk to a Friend Who’s Had an Abortion."

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Thursday, January 16, 2025 Pro-Life News Report Thursday, January 16, 2025