Thursday, October 17, 2024 Pro-Life News Report 10/17/2024

  Pro-Life News Report

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Top Stories
British Man Convicted of Thought Crime After Praying Silently Outside Abortion Center
Kamala Harris May Lose Pennsylvania Because She’s Radically Pro-Abortion
Leading Election Prediction Site Now Says Trump Has 58% Chance of Victory
Catholics are Refusing to Support Pro-Abortion Extremist Kamala Harris
Chuck Schumer Spends $400 Million Trashing Republicans With Lies About Abortion

More Pro-Life News
Missouri Pastor Calls on Residents to Defeat Radical Pro-Abortion Amendment 3
51-Year-Old Cancer Patient Offered Euthanasia in the Operating Room Instead of Surgery
Save Lives, Oppose Radical Pro-Abortion Amendment 79 in Colorado
Every Time an Abortion is Done, a Baby Dies. Are You Really OK With That?
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Catholics are Refusing to Support Pro-Abortion Extremist Kamala Harris

Chuck Schumer Spends $400 Million Trashing Republicans With Lies About Abortion


Missouri Pastor Calls on Residents to Defeat Radical Pro-Abortion Amendment 3

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