Saturday, April 21, 2007

Shocking Revelations?

Baby born at 22 weeks of pregnancy!

A research paper has revealed shocking revelations in the debate on abortions. The paper, published in the May issue of BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, reveals that 102 (3.2%) babies out of 3,189 were born alive after abortion.

The paper has been released following a 10-year analysis of abortions for foetal anomaly in the West Midlands of Britain.

The results of the research show that live births occurred in a shocking 18 out of 20 maternity units in the West Midlands.

Notice the word shocking! Well this is not something we Pro-Lifers have not known, so we're not so shocked! This report was released from Britain, but imagine how many babies are born alive throughout the world!

Now here's what's shocking! How many of these babies, that are born alive after being aborted, are left to die? Are they instantly rushed to a hospital for medical and premature care, or are they left to die by themselves, perhaps suffocated, perhaps starved or dehydrated to death. Remember, the abortionist is there to kill! Some of them will kill the baby (infanticide) outside the womb, so as to get the money for doing a complete job. It's a sick world out there and the devil is having a ball killing babies, God's most precious infants!

Deacon John