Sunday, April 17, 2011

DAY 40: A milestone


Dear Deacon,

Well, here we are ... the final day of the first 40 Days
for Life campaign of 2011. And what an amazing campaign
it has been with a record 247 locations!

But that's not the milestone.

So far during this campaign, we are aware of ...

... 483 babies who have been saved from abortion. (And
reports from local teams will still be coming in for the
next week or so. So we hope and pray that number will
continue to grow.)

But that's not the milestone.

Since 40 Days for Life started these coordinated
campaigns in September of 2007, we now know of ...


And yes, THAT is the milestone!

The current total is 4,082!

4,082 people is a lot of folks. If you’ve ever heard of
Centerville, Tennessee or Lathrop, Missouri -- those are
towns whose populations are around 4,082.

Through your prayers, God has spared enough human beings
to fill a WHOLE TOWN.


I can only wonder what our Lord will do next!

Today we start in Manassas, Virginia and the AMAZING
witness of a mom with her three young daughters by
her side.


The abortion industry REALLY doesn't like 40 Days for
Life! Here's what I mean.

A mom and her three daughters were praying at the vigil
when the abortionist angrily approached them, cursing
at them and shouting, "You're going to hell!"

The mother was astonished. When she was able to get a
word in, she responded, "YOU'RE killing babies in there!"

"Yeah?" replied the abortionist.


After that shocking display, she took her daughters
into the nearby pregnancy resource center.

This story takes the mask off "choice" and is a sobering
reminder of the evil were are fighting in the abortion
industry. Please keep praying!


Emily says she and a friend had a similar experience.

While they were praying quietly, a woman came storming
out of the abortion center, ran up to them and started
screaming, practically in their faces.

"You can't be here! This is illegal," she said. "You're
breaking the law! You're protesters! This is illegal!"

Well, obviously, it was not illegal.

When the woman finally stopped yelling and began walking
back to the building, Emily's friend said, "God bless
you, ma'am."

The woman turned around to scream once more: "He already
does! And YOU work for the DEVIL!"

"This experience left me more determined than ever that
our presence outside the abortion clinic is not only a
good idea, but an absolute necessity," Emily said.

Abortion centers are places of death, despair, anger and
hatred -- "epicenters of evil," she called them.

"Although I don't usually feel like I'm making a
difference by being there, just because I can't see
any physical evidence," said Emily, "I now know that
by simply being present, we are helping to counter
that evil with love, peace, truth and light!"


SOUTH BEND, IN - MAY 17: Anti-abortion activi...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Of course, there are many joyful things happening at
40 Days for Life vigils, too! It was a busy day at the
abortion center in South Bend where volunteers pray.

As the group prayed, they watched as a young woman
walked out of the facility and headed towards the cars.
But then she went back inside -- then came out again.
The group took note, but just kept praying.

She went back inside once more -- and then came out a
third time. This time, however, she got in her car and
drove up alongside the people praying.

In her left hand, she held a stack of money. In her
right hand, she held an ultrasound image. She leaned
out the window and announced, "I didn't do it!"

SOUTH BEND, IN - MAY 17: Pro-life activists lo...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

"You could feel the peace and joy of God surrounding
that young mother," said Sally in South Bend. "We were
all so moved. God is good!"

Yes, He is!

Today's devotional is from Fr. Frank Pavone, national
director of Priests for Life.


Let us keep our eyes fixed on the New Jerusalem, where
death will be no more.


"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will
be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for
the old order of things has passed away." He who was
seated on the throne said, "I am making everything

-- Revelation 21:4-5

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Every activity we undertake in defense of the sanctity
of life is prophetic, inasmuch as it points to the day
when "death will be no more."

Every victory we have when an act of abortion is
prevented is prophetic of that day when death itself
will be definitively conquered.

Every triumph of grace in this world, whereby someone
is brought to see the value of life and given the
strength to welcome it, is a breaking into our history
of that definitive future in which the old order of
things will have passed, and all things will be made

As pro-life warriors, we must keep our eyes fixed on
heaven, and our hearts secure in the hope that the day
is coming when all evil will be conquered.

It is the future that shapes the present; it is
victory that informs the battle; it is the destination
that determines the journey.

Daily, we are called to reflect on heaven.

When we weep, we are to think of the day when every
tear will be wiped away.

When we face the destructive power of death, we are to
think of the day when death is swallowed up in

When we labor against abortion, we are to think of the
day when we will have the rest and peace of the final
triumph of life.

Heaven is as real as earth, and its joys will be as
real as our present sorrows.


Father, you are the God of hope. Your word fills us
with the vision of the world to come, when every tear
will be wiped away, and death will be no more.

Father, how we need that hope, how we are strengthened
by that vision! Keep our hearts focused on heaven, and
diligent in the labors of earth.

As we struggle against the culture of death, root our
souls in the assurance of victory. We pray through
Christ our Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have
done to make this monumental campaign such an amazing
success. You inspire me, Deacon!

Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Any final thoughts to share about this 40 Days
for Life campaign? Please leave a note on today's
blog posting at:

 40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA

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