Friday, August 10, 2012


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Friday, August 10, 2012
No Dinner for Obama
By Judie Brown

It cannot be said enough that our Church leaders must be consistent and that they must help guide us through the difficult times we face with our history's most pro-abortion president. Giving Catholics around the country, and the president, the idea that our faith is something that can occasionally be compromised is an atrocious idea
----and a very dangerous one. Today's commentary addresses a recent situation where inconsistency again seems to rule. And it encourages us to speak out in attempt to make a change. 

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Three words, Cardinal Dolan: 'Cancel the Dinner'
Renew America
Joseph Zwilling, a spokesperson for the New York Diocese told LifeSiteNews: "Cardinal Dolan and the Smith Foundation extended the invitation this year to the two of them [Obama and Romney]. It is non-partisan, it puts aside differences for a good cause to support women and their babies. It brings together people from both sides of the isle [sic] for an evening of good humor and good fellowship and civil discourse----something we need more of." President Obama's attending a Catholic charity to benefit women and their babies is a gross display of . . . hypocrisy. I cannot quite find the words to define the outrage I am feeling.  

Catholics shouldn't vote for candidate who supports intrinsic evil, says Baltimore Archbishop
The U.S. Bishops lead man in the fight for religious liberty says Catholics cannot vote for any candidate who supports intrinsic evil, in a clear reference to President Obama's HHS mandate. "This is a big moment for Catholic voters to step back from their party affiliation," said Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore. For Catholics taking to the polls in November, the prelate said, "The question to ask is this: Are any of the candidates of either party, or independents, standing for something that is intrinsically evil, evil no matter what the circumstances? . . . If that's the case, a Catholic, regardless of his party affiliation, shouldn't be voting for such a person."  

Woman dies after abortion, Chicago medical examiner refuses to release autopsy
Life Legal Defense Foundation
The death of Tonya Reaves, a 24 year-old who died after an abortion at Planned Parenthood's Loop Health Center in Chicago, has remained a mystery because employees at the Chicago Office of the Medical Examiner failed to comply with the Life Legal Defense Foundation's request for Reaves' autopsy report. The controversial manner of Reaves' death on July 20 trigged a hailstorm of calls for abortion provider regulation in Illinois, one of the few states allowing abortion providers to function virtually unfettered with little or no oversight.