Tuesday, August 7, 2012


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Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Cathy, Dolan, and Discipleship in Action
By Judie Brown

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A real hero stands up for what is right and just, no matter the cost. In today's world, we see fewer and fewer true heroes. Yet, with a little inspiration, we can all be heroes. We can all stand up for our beliefs----never afraid to back down when opposition arises. Today's commentary discusses one such man, and then appeals to us to voice our concerns regarding an invitation that should alarm us all. Read on for Judie Brown's insights. 

Religious freedom gets whacked
American Life League
President Obama, with the proud help of his friends at Planned Parenthood, wrote Obamacare. Together, they make you an offer you can't refuse ----paying almost $965 million, according to estimates by the Alliance Defending Freedom, for "preventive services" like abortion. Don't want that "preventive" service? I'll put it this way: Imagine you're in Chicago, and a guy who knows a few guys walks into your family business. He offers "preventive services" you don't want. You say, "No, thanks." He tells you, "You got two choices: You can either pay or you can pay." It's a persuasive argument.  

Caught on video: Abortionist talks of the 'ugly black babies' he aborts
Charlotte abortionist Ashutosh Ron Virmani was caught on camera telling pro-lifers to "adopt one of those ugly black babies." Virmani's comments came as he was speaking with pro-life activists from Operation Save America who confronted Virmani on his doorstep on July 26, 2012. The abortionist's comments have riled black pro-life activists. Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union, said in a press release, "It's all too obvious that he had a particular disgust for black babies and therefore has no problem killing them."  

Dangerous experiment in fetal engineering to prevent intersex, tomboys and lesbians
Science Blog
A new paper just published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry uses extensive Freedom of Information Act findings to detail an extremely troubling off-label medical intervention employed in the U.S. on pregnant women to intentionally engineer the development of their fetuses for sex normalization purposes. The pregnant women targeted are at risk for having a child born with the condition congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), an endocrinological condition that can result in female fetuses being born with intersex or more male-typical genitals and brains. Women genetically identified as being at risk are given dexamethasone, a synthetic steroid, off-label starting as early as week five of the first trimester to try to "normalize" the development of those fetuses, which are female and CAH-affected. Because the drug must be administered before doctors can know if the fetus is female or CAH-affected, only one in eight of those exposed are the target type of fetus.