Sunday, November 2, 2014

From 40 Days For Life: DAY 40: Costumes, bubbles, fire - and eggs!

40 Days for Life
Dear Deacon John,

We made it! Today is Day 40 ... and it marks the final day of this 40 Days for Life campaign. As reports continue to pour in, we know one thing for sure —God can do a lot in 40 days! 

Today there are babies alive who were scheduled to be aborted during this campaign. Instead of becoming abortion statistics, these children will have birthdays in June and July because their moms had a chance to turn around at the very last moment. 

There are also women who are finding hope and healing after an abortion. There are abortion center workers who started this campaign by complaining about “those people” outside praying ... before God went to work on their hearts and led them to quit their jobs


God is always faithful and He wants to save our culture more than we do. The Gospel doesn’t tell us it will be easy, but it does say it’s worth it. 

No harsh weather, discouragem
ent or persecution can take away the joy of seeing a baby saved from abortion and a mom spared a lifetime of regret. Thank you for your prayers and sacrifices during these past 40 days! 

We start today’s report by having Steve Karlen take us to the circus — which made a stop at the vigil in Buffalo, New York.  

Buffalo, New York


Peter, the local leader in Buffalo, and Steve Karlen, the 40 Days for Life North American outreach director, arrived at the vigil site prior to the campaign’s midpoint rally. 

“By 6:30,” Steve said, “it was clear that our rally would be no ordinary event.Costumed individuals began showing up — first one, then a few more, then dozens. Abortion supporters had organized a combination Halloween party/pro-abortion rally to drown out our prayer vigil.” 

The circus in Buffalo featured a DJ, signs, balloons, a bubble machine, a “40 Days of Bubbles” banner, spar
klers and even a man juggling fire. 

Of course, the 40 Days for Life participants remained peaceful and prayerful … although they were appalled by one of the more ironic tunes the DJ played outside the abortion center – “Stayin’ Alive.” 

“I’m not sure what the pro-abortion partiers hoped to accomplish,” Steve said, “but they did succeed in extending our pro-life witness an extra hour.” Many remained to pray until the party was finally over. 

Duluth, Minnesota 


Buffalo wasn’t the only campaign visited by costumed abortion advocates. Paulette from Duluth reports that “Masked Marauders” have been showing up with signs. Many of the signs are vulgar, and some promote illegal drug use. So much for a focus on women’s health and wellness! 

Green Bay, Wisconsin 

Finally, Jim Ball, the 40 Days for Life leader in Green Bay, reported a “drive-by egging.” Vigil participants had just wrapped up their prayer on the sidewalk when several dozen eggs were hurled at them from a passing car.

“We’d just all hugged,” said Don, one of the volunteers, “when eggs came flying past us. It happened so fast, we didn’t see who did it, or get a description of the car.”

The eggs hit the sidewalk.

The eggs hit the lawn.

But the eggs did not hit the people praying.

They missed!

“We know the dark side hates us for being where we are, and for doing what we’re doing,” Jim said. “This is further evidence of that.” And a few eggs will not deter them. “We’re going to be out there until the Second Coming, or until Planned Parenthood on Oneida shuts down — whichever comes first!” 

Here’s today’s devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life. 

Day 40 intention 

Let us keep our eyes fixed on the New Jerusalem, where death will be no more.


He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” 

—Revelation 21:4-5 


Every activity we undertake in defense of the sanctity of life is prophetic, inasmuch as it points to the day when “death will be no more.” 

Every victory we have when an act of abortion is prevented is prophetic of that day when death itself will be definitively conquered. 

Every triumph of grace in this world, whereby someone is brought to see the value of life and given the strength to welcome it, is a breaking into our history of that definitive future in which the old order of things will have passed, and all things will be made new. 

As pro-life warriors, we must keep our eyes fixed on heaven, and our hearts secure in the hope that the day is coming when all evil will be conquered. It is the future that shapes the present; it is victory that informs the battle; it is the destination that determines the journey. 

Daily, we are called to reflect on heaven. When we weep, we are to think of the day when every tear will be wiped away. 

When we face the destructive power of death, we are to think of the day when death is swallowed up in victory. 

When we labor against abortion, we are to think of the day when we will have the rest and peace of the final triumph of life. 

Heaven is as real as earth, and its joys will be as real as our present sorrows. 


Father, you are the God of hope. Your word fills us with the vision of the world to come, when every tear will be wiped away, and death will be no more. Father, how we need that hope, how we are strengthened by that vision! 

Keep our hearts focused on heaven, and diligent in the labors of earth. As we struggle against the culture of death, root our souls in the assurance of victory. We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen. 

Printable devotional 

To download today’s devotional as a printable PDF to share with friends:

For Life,
 Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life