Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Africa sends Biden a clear message!



PA LifeLinks
January 31, 2021
"Please help us, don't kill us!"
What are the consequences of Biden's executive order reversing the Mexico City Policy? It means US tax dollars fund international abortion organizations even where people don't want it. The United Voices of Africa have a message for Joe Biden, and it's totally worth the 16 minute view. Please watch and share!
Tell Our U.S. Senators Roe is Bad Law
Some politicians are pushing to make the tragic U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade a permanent federal law. This would be devastating to preborn babies and their mothers. Please contact Pennsylvania U.S. Senators Bob Casey and Pat Toomey and respectfully encourage them to oppose any efforts in the Senate to pass a law upholding Roe. To send a message to Senator Casey, please click HERE. To message Senator Toomey, please click HERE. Thank you for sending these critical messages!
Sign our Petition against having our hard-earned tax dollars used to pay for abortions!
A Compelling Interview!
Listen as Legislative/PAC Director Maria Gallagher and Executive Director Michael Ciccocioppo discuss Roe vs. Wade, recent court decisions, pro-life events, and more on this month's edition of LifeLines radio! Click here!
“I still hold in my heart the belief that,
in the end, life triumphs”
By Maria V. Gallagher, Legislative Director
Last year, around this time, I was marching. Enthusiastically. Gratefully. Resolutely. I had come to Washington, D.C. with an estimated hundreds of thousands of others to step out in solidarity with pregnant women and their children. What a difference a year makes. As a nation, we have weathered our way through a devastating pandemic, which has forced us to spend time separated from loved ones and friends. A new Administration in Washington has erased pro-life protections such as the Mexico City Policy, which had safeguarded our hard-earned tax dollars from being spent on organizations that perform or promote abortions overseas. And yet… CONTINUE READING

Pro-Life Rally a Great Success!

Pennsylvanians for Human Life, Northeast Region held a pro-life rally featuring Starr Rogers, author of “By God’s Grace Alone” along with several other special speakers on the anniversary of the Roe decision, January 22. The well-organized and well-attended event is a testament to their enduring commitment to speak up for the sanctity of all human life. Enjoy the video of the rally by clicking here.
Pro-Life Thought of the Week
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation
If you have trouble accessing any of these stories, you can find them here. 
--Pregnant? Need help? Click here
--Had an abortion? Need to talk to 
  someone? Click here
--Interested in volunteering? Click here
--Visit our blog for the latest pro-life updates!
--For our 60 second Pro-Life Notes segments,
--For our LifeLines Radio program, Click here
--To donate while you shop Amazon Smile, Click here and write in "Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation" as your charity.

PA Pro-Life Federation | 4800 Jonestown Rd., Suite 102, Harrisburg, PA 17109