Thursday, February 24, 2022

Abortion pill, Novavax abortion link, and egg 'donation'


Foundations newsletter

February 24, 2022

Foundations is a semi-monthly online publication of Personhood Alliance Education that informs and equips Christians on issues of life for the 21st century.

Personhood in the news

Abortion pill causes serious side effects

Ambulance calls for abortion complications rose by 54% in 2020, an indication that women are being put at risk by DIY abortion. Abortion drugs carry a much higher complication rate than even surgical abortions, which are far more frequent and dangerous than the abortion cartel will admit. The Charlotte Lozier Institute found that emergency room visits after the abortion pill mifepristone-misoprostol regimen have skyrocketed more than 500 percent between 2002 and 2015.


Yes, NOVAVAX used an aborted fetal cell line

Despite Novavax’s public statements that its COVID-19 vaccine does not have any connection to abortion, evidence from a private letter and Novavax’s own published study shows that the HEK293 aborted fetal cell line was used in the testing phase—cells that were originally obtained by harvesting the kidney cells of a pre-born baby girl who was intentionally killed. When facing important medical decisions of moral conscience, people deserve to know the truth. Novavax has only provided doublespeak.


Egg 'donation' is risky business 

The history of the harms and “eggsploitation” of women has yet to be written, but we do know that selling your eggs is risky business. Egg “donation” depends heavily on advertisements to recruit young, vulnerable women for their eggs, luring them in with large sums of cash to "be an angel" and “help someone have a family.” But in this largely unregulated industry, women are rarely informed of the risks to their health—and given little to no support when things go wrong. 


Personhood on the ground

What is biblical personhood?

Behind every major twist and turn throughout history, there is a social movement, driven not by legal subterfuge and political compromise, but unabashed truth, courage, and clarity.

Throughout Church history, the doctrinal teaching on human life has been based on Genesis 1:26-27, which says that humankind is created “in the image of God” (Imago Dei) and therefore, has intrinsic value at all stages of life.

Regardless of developmental stage, degree of disability, level of dependency, or wantedness, a human life has immeasurable worth in the eyes of God—an inestimable, intrinsic value that must be acknowledged by the culture and protected in its code of law. This is the essence of biblical personhood.

Personhood is the only strategy that takes us beyond the abortion-rights debate and appeals to the conscience of the abortion-minded mother and father. It transfers the focus from women’s health rhetoric to historic truths about human rights and human value. 

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