Tuesday, June 13, 2023





By Julie Grimstad
June 13, 2023
Learn to savor how good the Lord is;
happy are those who take refuge in him.

~ Psalm 34:9
Many years ago, through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I realized that the elderly and sick people I was visiting in nursing homes and hospitals needed prayer as much as they needed the air they breathed.

Some of these patients were deeply unhappy. Praying with them was good medicine which often had a miraculous cheering-up effect. Through prayer, they discovered or recovered their true dignity and purpose in life – to love God and their neighbors. Instead of feeling useless and alone, their new mission in life became praying for the needs of others and taking refuge in the Lord whenever they longed for companionship and comfort.

Society prizes physical and mental abilities and stigmatizes the loss of certain functions. Therefore, it is no surprise that previously able-bodied and mentally-sound people may equate disability and aging with loss of dignity. As a result, they may become despondent.

HALO’s main concern is the well-being of medically vulnerable individuals. Prayer is an indispensable and fundamental element of HALO’s life-affirming mission. Praying with people is a way of assuring them that they are valued by you and especially by God who loves them with an everlasting, unimaginable love no matter what.

During a visit with someone who is sick, disabled, or frail, at some point in the conversation, when it feels right, I ask, “Would you like me to pray with you?” The answer is usually “yes.” However, if it is “no, I pray for the person later in private.

“How do I start?”
It has not always come naturally to me to pray aloud or spontaneously with another person. My first question was, “How do I start?” Here is the plan that gradually developed as I learned by doing.

Ask questions.
Ask the person if they practice a particular faith. If you are uncomfortable or unfamiliar with his/her prayer traditions or style, ask the person to pray while you listen or pray silently in your own way. Ask if there is anything she/he would like to pray with you about. He/she may be willing to share things that are personally important.

Keep it simple.
Heartfelt prayer is always comforting. Keep it a simple conversation with God.

Use faith-based resources.
Purchase a book of short prayers or use passages of Holy Scripture such as Psalm 23, other Psalms, or The Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13) to begin praying when you are feeling a bit “dry.”

If the person asks for help, suggest including some of the following issues in his/her prayers.
  • Give thanks for each day, for caregivers, for family and friends, for God’s goodness.
  • Pray for the welfare and needs of other residents in the nursing home or hospital, as well as for their families.
  • Ask for grace in the face of pain and limitations, in circumstances of separation and loss.
  • Pray for strength and comfort when facing illness, fear, grief, or death. 
  • Pray for a forgiving spirit when feeling abandoned or wounded by condescension or ill-treatment.
  • Ask for the grace needed to grow in faith by drawing closer to the Lord each day.

Ask the person to pray for you. 
Our suffering brothers and sisters have a dignity that this world may not see but we who believe must remember that the last are going to be the first. Also, whatever we do for them, we do for the Lord himself.

Finally, while praying with these precious ones, it would be wise to humbly ask them to pray for you. Those who suffer in body and mind are very dear to the Lord. Their prayers are powerful.

A generous donation was made to HALO by Christina McCarthy “in gratitude for my dear parents.”
We thank all of HALO’s donors, whose generosity makes it possible for us to fulfill our life-affirming Mission. May God bless you.


Want to Help HALO and be 
a Voice for the Medically Vulnerable?



Thank you for your support! Our organization is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
If you would like to donate through the mail, please send checks only to:
HALO, 7301 Bass Lake RD, Minneapolis, MN 55428.


The Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization (HALO) is a voice for the medically vulnerable. As a non-profit, Christian organization, HALO addresses a wide array of ethical issues including euthanasia, assisted suicide, rationing of medical services, and hastening of death in healthcare settings. In addition, HALO promotes life-affirming healthcare practices, life-protective advance directives, and compassionate care for the sick and those nearing the end of their lives. In all circumstances, HALO espouses in healthcare practice the sanctity and integrity of every human person.

HALO accomplishes its mission through intercessory prayer; widespread education; community awareness and assistance programs; interaction with patients, families, and caregivers; and referrals to appropriate resources when necessary.

HALO · 7301 Bass Lake Road · Minneapolis, MN 55428 · USA