Friday, June 21, 2024

June: New Insights from the Human Life Review

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By Rev. Canon Victor Lee Austin:
"One is not likely to think of Barbie as a pro-life film. ... Nonetheless, this film sets up viewers to see things that the pro-choice lenses of our elite culture (in which I include Hollywood) normally filter out."

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By Brian Caulfield:
"We all do what we can in our unique circumstances. But the recent sentencing of Operation Rescue participants who blocked access to the killing center of a late-stage abortionist in the nation’s capital back in 2020, shows just how far some brave prolifers will go—up to 57 months in prison, in fact."

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Join us for live performances, art work display, vibrant presentations and panel discussions with writers and artists, and those working in the fields of fiction, poetry, film and television. June 29 in New York City.

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From the Spring issue of the Human Life Review
By Leonard F. Grant III.:
"When we talk about abortion in terms of science—whether or not a woman develops a mental pathology in the aftermath of her abortion—we reduce her, her lost child, and the circumstances of the abortion to statistics. ... However, the moral stress women experience hours or years after abortion is the foundation for a different type of emotional and spiritual wound called moral injury."

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By Raymond Hilbrich:
"He said, 'I mean, there’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry, we won’t miss you. That’s my position on it.'”

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By Matt Lamb:
"New Bioethics Editor Matthew James told author Perry Hendricks that extra 'sensitivity' is needed when 'white authors write about racial inequalities' or 'male authors write about women’s rights.'"

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By Rev. Paul T. Stallsworth:
"In the current political climate, and with the Barmen Declaration in mind, I would like to propose several principles, based on a Christian foundation, to use in evaluating political candidates, parties, campaigns, ads, interviews, and speeches in the months to come."

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By Peter Pavia:
"Hollywood’s Golden Age is generally defined as the period between the advent of the 'talkies' (with The Jazz Singer in 1927) and the early-to-mid 1960s, when the major studios were producing historical epics, hallucinogenic musicals, and other big-budget extravaganzas that appealed to the widest possible audiences. ... I’ve long thought the one movie that best exemplifies this Golden Age is The Best Years of Our Lives."

The Human Life Foundation is in great need of financial support. Please help us with our crucial work in support of the pro-life movement, defense of vulnerable human life, and celebration of human dignity!

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Human Life Foundation | 271 Madison Avenue Room 1005 | New York, NY 10016 US