Thursday, August 7, 2008

Colorado For Equal Rights Applauds Focus on the Family's Support of Personhood Amendment 48

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Aug. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- Focus on the Family on Tuesday encouraged Colorado voters to support and vote for the Colorado for Equal Rights Personhood Amendment.

"A founding principle of Focus on the Family -- and a driving belief of Dr. Dobson's -- is that all human life is sacred and that life begins at the single-cell stage of human development," stated Carrie Gordon Earll, senior bioethics analyst at Focus on the Family Action. "Amendment 48 articulates this belief and challenges us to declare the inestimable worth of all members of the human family. The foundational message of Amendment 48 is clear: All human life has value. Colorado voters should support Amendment 48, and vote for it in November."

Focus' message to Colorado voters coincides with the support of many other organizations, whose endorsements are listed at the Colorado for Equal Rights website,

"We are incredibly thankful for the support of Focus on the Family, which has been a leading voice for human life issues for many years," said Kristi Burton, Amendment sponsor. "As we look forward to November's vote, we know that support such as theirs is vital. We appreciate and need the continued help of every Focus on the Family supporter across the U.S. to advance our foundational message and promote the value of each human life."

Focus' CitizenLink story can be found at this link.

Colorado for Equal Rights is a statewide grassroots organization of committed pro-life activists. Colorado for Equal Rights is sponsoring the Personhood Amendment to the Colorado Constitution, stating "(t)he term "Person" or "Persons" shall include any human from the time of fertilization." The Personhood Amendment will be Amendment 48 on the November 4th ballot.

For more information, please contact Kristi Burton at 719-661-8827 or at