Friday, September 10, 2010

News from the Trenches: Four Saves

Four Saves

Family Planning Associates, Miramar Road, San Diego, Aug. 26, 2010

There were 23 prayer warriors at Family Planning Associates on Miramar Road in San Diego this morning, plus five sidewalk counselors. There were four saves. 

Dr. Santella, the abortionist, arrived in his red Corvette at the usual time shortly after 8:00 am. Anne stood at the driveway entrance closest to the Pyramid. The first car had a young couple. The man rolled down the window part way and said they were in a hurry. She told them they should take the time to hear about the doctor's record. She warned them about the abortionist and gave them literature and a card to Culture of Life Family Services. The young lady said she had been here before, and Anne asked if this was her second abortion. She said "Yes", and Anne told her she was sad for her and that she didn't need to go in there - there were other alternatives. The man said they came from Temecula and really had to get in now, and they drove off. 

Soon after another couple drove in, and the woman was driving. They both smiled at Anne, and the woman immediately said she was not going in for an abortion. Anne did not completely believe her, so she told her about the doctor's record and gave them information, but she said that she already had the abortion almost two months ago and was still bleeding. Anne told her she was sorry about this, and that this was a serious situation. The woman said she was only going to have the doctor check her, and she would not let him do anything else but a check-up. Anne urged them both to go to Dr. Delgado at Culture of Life Family Services, but she really wanted to go to Family Planning, because that is where she had the abortion. Anne told the woman that she hoped she would never do this again, and she said she would definitely not, after all she had been through. Anne told her she would pray for her and gave her a rosary. The woman went in, and on the way out spoke with Terry who gave her information on filing a complaint. 

Right behind them was a young couple with a baby in back. Anne told them about the horrific record of the doctor and that the car in front of her was going in because she was having complications. She asked them where they were from, and they told her Spring Valley. They wanted to talk with someone at Culture of Life Family Services, and so she had them pull into the lot. Anne asked her why she was doing this, and she said because her baby was only four months old, and it was too soon to have another. Anne told her how she had twins, and nine months later conceived her son. She then told her "I love my son, and though we were busy at the time, it was one of the happiest times in our life". She showed them a picture of a six-week old pre-born baby and they both sort of smiled. The woman said her husband was leaving it up to her. She then said she had taken the morning-after-pill, but that it probably hadn't worked. Anne asked her if she was definitely pregnant, and she said that she was, about seven weeks. Anne told her that it was a sign that the pill didn't work, and that God wanted her to have the baby. She agreed. She said she wanted to see her baby on ultrasound to know if it was ok. We got Dr Delgado on the line and he talked with her for sometime. She told Anne that she would see the doctor on Monday, and Anne asked her if it was OK if she went with them on Monday. She hesitated but said "Yes," and she might go to her regular doctor also. The woman picked up her baby and they all smiled at what a blessing he was. Anne told her how special they both were, and she was sure that this new baby would be a blessing. They drove away with a happier attitude than when they came in. On Monday morning, Anne phoned her and gave directions to Culture of Life. Twice she confirmed the directions, and Anne waited until 11 am, but she never came. 

David was at the far east entrance and spoke with a Hispanic couple coming in. After telling them about the abortionist’s litigation and probation history, he gave them literature and a card to Culture of Life. They seemed concerned but didn't stay long to talk about it. They drove in and turned around and left. 

Detail of the face

Image via Wikipedia

Luis spoke with two women in who arrived in a large pick-up truck. The driver said that she was against abortion and was driving her friend. Her friend was a middle-aged Hispanic woman who only spoke Spanish. Luis went over Santella's and the nurse practitioner's records with her. He asked her if she was Catholic, and she responded that she was. He told her that Jesus and Our Lady of Guadalupe did not want her to do this. He encouraged her to call Culture of Life right away to make an appointment. He told her that women who have had abortions have a six times higher rate of suicide and increased chances of depression, drug and alcohol abuse. 

She confided that she had three children and that a child of hers had died shortly after birth. "Then you know what the loss of a child is like," he said to her. He gave her a rosary. The women parked and he saw them walk up to the mill. Less then an hour later, not having been in the clinic long enough for an abortion, these two women came down from the clinic, hugged each other and drove off. Luis was unable to follow up with them since he had switched driveways, and they drove out the driveway were he was originally stationed. 

Roger spoke with a Hispanic couple in a car with Baja license plates who were bringing another Hispanic woman for an abortion. The couple listened to the information about the doctor, while woman in the back seat looked worried. He asked the woman in the back if she understood English. The couple said she did not, so Roger had them ask her how many weeks along she was. She was about five weeks, and Roger showed her a picture of what a six-week old preborn baby looks like, then showed them a life-size twelve-week-old rubber fetal model. He asked them if any of them had any children, and they said "No". The woman in back looked at the picture, but then started to look away, somewhat upset, and avoided eye contact. Roger gave them a card to Culture of Life and urged them to call right then, and not rush into the decision of an abortion. The woman in back said in English "We need to go, we are late for our appointment." The driver moved the car forward and left before Roger could talk with them further. 

Luis spoke in Spanish to two Hispanic women in a car with Tijuana plates that was exiting the parking lot. The passenger had a bandage on the top of her hand and he remembered the car being in the lot already when he arrived at 7:30 AM, so she obviously was post-abortive. He gave her the abortionist’s malpractice information, a Rachel's Hope post-abortion recovery brochure, a Rosary and Culture of Life Family Services contact information. He encouraged her to contact Culture of Life so that they could verify that she was physically OK. 

Terry intercepted a couple who was leaving the parking lot who had received information on the way in. They were only inside about five minutes before coming out, and Terry asked her what happened. They said something about having problems with insurance. Terry urged them to call Culture of Lifewhere they could see a reputable doctor without regard to cost, and make an informed decision. Terry told her the doctor at Culture of Life does not do abortions, and would not do anything to hurt her or the child inside her. The woman told Terry she would call Culture of Life, and thanked her for the information. 

Anne later moved to the Carroll Road entrance. She was able to stop an Asian couple going up the stairs who were dropped off in a van. The woman did not speak English. Anne asked the man if she was going for an abortion, and he said "Yes." She was about six weeks along. Anne showed them a picture of a six-week old baby and he began to get tears in his eyes, and so did the woman. He said she already had two children. Anne told them she had five children, and they were all blessings. He smiled. She told them about the doctor's medical record and he was concerned. Anne held the woman as she looked sad, and told her, "No, don't go in.” Anne told them she could call Culture of Life right then. He said he wanted to go in, since he made an appointment. She told them it would be hard to leave. They paused as they went up the stairs, and the woman seemed tearful.