Saturday, September 15, 2012

Reason #30 to Defeat Barack Obama: to Take America Back for Life


This election season, the National Right to Life Victory Fund is publishing a series of 54 Reasons to Defeat Barack Obama.  The list commemorates the loss of 54 million innocent unborn babies since the Roe v. Wade decision that Obama supports.  You can find all 30 Reasons published to date at

Reason #30 to Defeat Barack Obama:
to Take America Back for Life


Barack Obama’s policies are a clear and present threat not only to kill millions of innocent unborn babies, but to change America forever.  Since coming to office he is responsible for:
-A health reform plan that will ration care and force taxpayers to subsidize plans that cover abortion. 
-Expanded funding of groups like Planned Parenthood that perform abortions and aggressively lobby for pro-abortion policies.
-Your tax dollars given to groups that work to expand abortion overseas.
-The appointment of Supreme Court justices who threaten to erode or eliminate the lifesaving gains pro-lifers have made since Roe.
Those of us who treasure life are the last line of defense for the innocent human beings who will die because of Obama’s extreme policies.  We HAVE to combat these deadly policies.  We simply HAVE to take America back for life!
And the best way to start that is to replace Barack Obama at the polls. 
America should be a place where an unborn child finds peace and security and can live life to his full potential.  It shouldn’t be a killing ground.  We can’t let it be. 
Take Back America for Life is the theme of the second in a series of radio ads the National Right to Life Victory Fund is running in the pivotal state of Virginia.  We’re running these ads to counter a massive Planned Parenthood Action Fund ad campaign which is targeting $3.2 million dollars against Mitt Romney in the key swing states of Virginia and Ohio.  We will expand our ads to other battleground states as your support allows.
We need your help to beat Planned Parenthood in this battle of messages! It’s our  message of Life vs. their message of Abortion and you can help us win!
To hear our ad entitled “Take Back America for Life,” click here:

With this, our 30th Reason in this series, please help the National Right to Life Victory Fund defeat Barack Obama with a gift of $30 or perhaps $300.  Some ad spots are so reasonably priced that your gift of $30 can buy your own radio spot!  Or a donation of $300 could buy 10 or more radio spots!
Please help today and on behalf of the unborn lives you are helping to save, thank you!

Carol Tobias,

National Right to Life



P.S.  Latest Poll:  On Friday, a new poll in Virginia showed Obama ahead of Romney by the slimmest of margins, just 1%.  Keep in mind that until recently, Obama had led Virginia in almost all polls by several points.  We’re closing the gap!  With our proven get-out-the-vote techniques, the National Right to Life Victory Fund can get out more than that 1% margin in additional pro-life votes and deliver Virginia and other battleground states for Mitt Romney, IF YOU HELP!

To Donte Now:

National Right to Life Victory Fund
512 10th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004



Paid for by the National Right to Life Victory Fund,
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.