Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Devil’s Bidding and the Myth of the Catholic ‘Democrat’


The Devil's Bidding and the Myth of the Catholic Democrat

The absurdity of the age that we live in can be summed up in the following sentence: Sixty-four Catholics in the United States House of Representatives voted against a measure that would allow a baby who survives an abortion to receive medical treatment to save his life.

Sixty-four men and women who call themselves Catholic voted against saving a baby’s life.

Are we shocked? Sadly, no.

The Democratic party worships at the altar of the evil practice of abortion. The blood sacrifice of the innocents is a demonic covenant they will perish to defend.

Abortion is an extremely lucrative business. Killing babies and the tremendous profits made by the executioners allows them to fund the Democratic party with significant resources, lavish donations, graft, the promises of power, and a seat at the world’s table of corruption and deceit.

For 50 years we have watched self-proclaimed Catholic Democrats and Republicans steal oxygen when futilely explaining, rationalizing, and lying to justify their support of the murder of children.

It comes down to evil, the love of money, and a fervent disdain for the truth from hardened hearts and lost consciences.

Perhaps what is more shocking—and extraordinarily sad—is the utter silence and lack of response from the majority of the bishops of the United States. There are men of great courage in our midst, but not many.

Over 300 years ago Saint John Eudes wrote:

“The most evident mark of God’s anger and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world are manifested when He permits His people to fall into the hands of clergy who are priests more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than charity and affection of devoted shepherds.”
And here we are. . .

So what are we to do?

First, we can never give up. The devil relishes our despair. He thrives in hopelessness.

But there is always hope.

The devil desires to have us believe our prayers are in vain. They are not.

The devil desires to have us believe the Catholic Church is lost. It is not.

Do we live in a time where the devil is unleashed?  Yes.

So we must pray.

We must dedicate time every day to prayer, devotion, reading, the rosary, Adoration, and a desire to stand for the truth. We must fearlessly stand up to and oppose evil.

We must pray for our Catholic clergy.  In response to the question of why the Catholic bishops won’t stand up against those who pervert the faith, a bishop once said to me: “Courage. Pray for courage. It requires courage.”

So join me in praying for our bishops.

We pray for courage. We pray that the invincible power and resources of heaven and the saints and angels are brought to bare on the hearts of priests, bishops, cardinals, and for Pope Francis.

Have no fear.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Yours humbly in Christ,

Hugh Brown
Executive Vice President
American Life League
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