Friday, May 17, 2024

Five More OUTRAGEOUS Prison Sentences

Building an Abortion-Free America
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Five More Pro-Life Rescuers Given Outrageous Prison Sentences

Washington D.C. – More outrageous sentences were handed down yesterday for the nine pro-lifers who participated in a peaceful rescue at a D.C. abortion clinic in 2020.
  • Will Goodman was sentenced to 2 years, 3 months.
  • Herb Geraghty was also sentenced to 2 years, 3 months.
  • Jonathan Darnel was sentenced to 2 years, 10 months.
  • Jeanne Marshall was sentenced to 2 years.
  • Joan Andrews Bell, recipient of Operation Rescue’s 2023 Malachi Person of the Year Award, was sentenced to 2 years, 3 months.
“All defendants so far have been credited for 9 months time served, which means the months they have already spent in prison will be counted towards their sentences,” says Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “However, that can hardly be called mercy or kindness when non-violent citizens utilizing their right to peacefully assemble have been thrown in prison – not because of their actions – but because they dared challenge the Abortion Cartel that Biden and his extremist administration will do anything to protect. That includes stripping American citizens of their constitutional freedoms.”
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In Case You Missed it

Biden's America: Targeted Pro-Life Citizens Receive Years in Prison for Peaceful Protest and Sit-In
Washington, D.C. – Rescue has a long history in the pro-life movement, starting in the 1980s when Operation Rescue was formed and led the largest movement involving peaceful civil disobedience in American history. During those early years, thousands of men and women willingly sat in front of abortion mill doors to prevent the killing of innocent children and paid the penalty in arrest and prosecution on trespassing charges.
For the last few years, that peaceful movement has seen a revival and, just as before, abortion extremists like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are weaponizing the law to trample these peaceful and powerful demonstrations.
This week, sentencing began for nine pro-life rescuers who have remained incarcerated for nine months for participating in a peaceful rescue during October 2020.
The rescue took place at Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington D.C. – a late-term abortion clinic operated by the notorious abortionist Cesare Santangelo. Some of the same rescuers facing sentencing this week also recovered 115 aborted babies from the driver of a medical waste van outside Santangelo’s facility just a few months before the rescue took place. These babies were well developed – second and possibly third trimester – and there was no little suspicion that Santangelo may have illegally murdered some of them born-alive during an abortion.
Search abortionists, abortion clinics, and evidential documents at the largest collection of documents on America's Abortion Cartel. Produced and maintained by Operation Rescue.
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Search for abortion emergencies by state at
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Abortion Free by Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger, explains step by step how to make your community abortion free!
It is available for order at
This book by Cheryl Sullenger reveals the truth about the Gosnell trial and the frightening fact that Gosnell is not alone! Contains information you'll find no where else. Order now at
About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the U.S. Its goal is to expose abortion abuses, demand enforcement, save innocent lives, and build an Abortion-Free America.

P.O. BOX 782888, WICHITA, KS 67278