Monday, May 20, 2024

USCCB Respect Life: May Prayer Guide


End of abortion

May Prayer Guide

          en español


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


Chemical abortion is now the most common form of abortion in the United States. Chemical abortion is a process that involves a pregnant woman taking a series of pills early in pregnancy to kill and expel a developing child from her womb. This form of abortion not only takes the life of a child, but also poses significant risks to the health and safety of women.

Despite these serious risks, chemical abortion is widely accessible. Since 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has shown continued disregard for women’s health by loosening safety standards, extending the limits of when the drugs can be used, and decreasing the number of required doctor’s visits. Most recently, the FDA has allowed abortion pills to be prescribed through virtual appointments, ordered online, and made available at neighborhood pharmacies, enabling a nationwide mail-order abortion industry. In addition to putting women’s health at risk, these policies also increase the chances that women may be exploited by violent partners or human traffickers.

In March, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that has the potential to restore limitations to chemical abortion that the FDA has removed. The Supreme Court’s decision is expected to be released in June. While the case before the Supreme Court will not end chemical abortion, there is the hope of curbing its accessibility and therefore protecting the lives of pre-born children and their mothers. Let us unite in prayer as we await the Court’s ruling.

Act (Choose one.)

Pray the Prayer to St. Joseph, Defender of Life every day until the decision is released:

  • Choose one day this week (or each week until the decision) to offer a sacrifice for this month’s intention. Consider fasting from snacks, a favorite food or drink, social media, or TV shows and movies.
  • Offer some other sacrifice or prayer that you feel called to do for this month’s intention.

One Step Further

Learn more about chemical abortion to better understand the threat to women’s health and be able to share your knowledge with friends and family: Abortion Pills: The Basics | Understanding Abortion Pills: Q&A on Chemical Abortion.

USCCB Respect Life

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Offer this Prayer to St. Joseph, Defender of Life (en español) daily:

Dearest St. Joseph, at the word of an angel, you lovingly took Mary into your home. As God’s humble servant, you guided the Holy Family on the road to Bethlehem, welcomed Jesus as your own son in the shelter of a manger, and fled far from your homeland for the safety of both Mother and Child.

We praise God that as their faithful protector, you never hesitated to sacrifice for those entrusted to you. May your example inspire us also to welcome, cherish, and safeguard God’s most precious gift of life.

Help us to faithfully commit ourselves to the service and defense of human life —especially where it is vulnerable or threatened. Obtain for us the grace to do the will of God in all things. Amen.