Thursday, October 10, 2024

40 Days For Life: DAY 16: Rape and Abortion



There's no topic pro-lifers fear more than rape and abortion.

Be not afraid. When abortion advocates claim that abortion is the compassionate option for women who conceive through sexual assault, they couldn't be more wrong.

There's NOTHING compassionate about telling a rape survivor that the best we can do for her is to take her money and kill her baby.

40 Days for Life participants in Forest Park, Georgia, recently met a living reminder of that truth when they received a visit from a man who shared that he was conceived in rape. He explained that he was pro-life...and vowed to return to participate in the vigil!

Prayer warriors also met a woman who angrily shouted that she had been raped as she headed toward the abortion facility.

Lauren from the Forest Park team spoke with her, and she calmed down--before getting upset again and marching into the abortion facility. By the time the woman left, she was too upset to continue the conversation.

The encounter was understandably a roller coaster of emotion, but the loving presence of 40 Days for Life volunteers spoke volumes, reminding everyone that pro-lifers are on the side of rape victims.

"She had to know that someone saw her and cared," wrote the Forest Park campaign leadership team.

Basel, Switzerland

The campaign team in Basel was accosted by an angry woman who sharply criticized vigil participants, citing women who conceive in rape.

40 Days for Life volunteers told her about a refugee who became pregnant through an assault, kept her baby, and found motherhood to be a healing experience.

The angry passerby agreed this was a success story but still insisted that pro-lifers should provide aid and support to women rather than pray in the streets... prayer warriors introduced the woman to a member of the team who specifically works with expectant mothers in crisis doing just that.

The compassion of the pro-life position grew increasingly evident. "The woman became calmer and calmer and walked away almost kindly," the Basel team reported.

Washington, D.C.

Leading the 40 Days for Life campaign in the nation's capital, Dr. Michael New's prayer rallies always feature an amazing lineup of pro-life speakers.

But it's the man who wasn't present who made his presence felt the most at a recent campaign event.

Longtime D.C. 40 Days for Life participant, campaign photographer, and Day 41 magazine contributor Mark Story suffered a heart attack and died in July.

"Mark was a great individual," Dr. New said. "His photos highlight a lot of success stories we have as a movement. They also expose a lot of injustice."

In a touching moment, Mark's father, Rev. Roger Story, opened the rally in prayer.

May Mark rest in peace.

Portrait: Caroline Smith

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

--Matthew 5:7-9

Lord, in your infinite mercy, bring healing and hope to those caught in the lies of the abortion industry. Answer my prayer for forgiveness on their behalf: "Thoroughly wash away my guilt; and from my sin cleanse me."

For life,

Shawn Carney

President & CEO, 40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life | 4112 East 29th Street | Bryan, TX 77802 US