Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's that time again - the Spring Campaign :) 40 Days For Life!

Sarah Shea sent a message to the members of 40 Days For Life.

Subject: It's that time again - the Spring Campaign :)

Hey all!! 40 Days for Life is kicking off their Spring Campaign starting THIS WEDNESDAY, February 25th. I encourage all of you to get involved once again with 40 Days of prayer, fasting, and if you can, vigil outside an abortion clinic or Planned Parenthood facility. Starting Tuesday I will be sending out daily messages again to encourage and remind us all to pray.

It only takes a few minutes of your day, but the rewards will be so beautiful :)

Remember that your prayers last fall helped to save over 614 unborn babies, and over 614 women from living a life of regret. That number would be significantly smaller if it wasn't for your constant prayers.

I am excited to see how God will use our prayers this spring! If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to message me.


Deacon John