Thursday, April 7, 2011

Moonbattery: Banned in Boston: Soda Pop


In moonbat-infested Boston, bureauweenies have taken the next logical step beyond demonizing harmless soda pop. Inevitably, they are now banning it:

Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino today moved to ban the sale, advertising, and promotion of the drinks on all city property. …
The drinks that will be banned include: non-diet sodas, pre-sweetened ice teas, refrigerated coffee drinks, energy drinks, juice drinks with added sugar, and sports drinks.
Get used to hearing more of this pretext for dictating even the most picayune aspects of our behavior as Big Government consolidates control of healthcare:

Dr. Barbara Ferrer, executive director of the Boston Public Health Commission, said that in the long term, the policy will cut health care costs.
"Economists estimate that medical costs for an obese patient are about 42 percent higher a year than for a patient with healthy weight," she said in a statement.
The sanctimonious soft tyranny currently going by the name of "liberalism" has crossed beyond self-parody into the realm of the surreal. There is literally nothing so harmless that our rulers won't trample our freedom to protect us from it.