Tuesday, October 11, 2011

DAY 14: One story -- a must-read


Dear Deacon,

Prayer, persistence and the power of pregnancy centers
are the theme of today's message.

After speaking at a pregnancy center banquet in Michigan,
I was sent this story from Grand Rapids.

This amazing story shows what can happen when a
40 Days for Life vigil works with a pregnancy center
to save lives that would otherwise become statistics.

"This is the day the Lord has made," we read in
Psalm 118. "Let us rejoice in it and be glad!"


A visibly upset young woman and her mother had just
walked out of the abortion center where the 40 Days
for Life vigil is going on -- and walked right up to
one of the prayer volunteers.

She had been advised to have an abortion because she
had difficulties in her life.

After a short discussion, the two women seemed
interested in the offer of a free ultrasound at
a local pregnancy care center. But there were two

First of all, it was 8:30 in the morning -- and the
pregnancy center wouldn’t open til 9:00.

The volunteers decided to take the young woman and
her mom to breakfast; that would help them settle
down a bit, and it would let them wait until the
doors were open at the pregnancy center.

The second challenge seemed a bit more formidable.
While an ultrasound MACHINE was available, there
might not be an ultrasound TECHNICIAN available.

So they all went to the pregnancy center to wait --
and pray.

Within the hour, another couple arrived at the
abortion center. They had been told to abort
their baby because of possible disabilities.

They had doubts about going through with it -- so
they, too, were offered a free ultrasound.

"Can you get us that ultrasound right now?" the
couple asked.

About the same time, yet another couple arrived for
an appointment. They had significant financial
challenges -- and they, too, had been encouraged to
abort. "And yes," said the volunteer, "couple number
three also wanted a free ultrasound."

Meanwhile, back at the pregnancy center, a car had
entered the parking lot. None of the volunteers
recognized the car. A woman got out. They didn't
recognize her, either.

She walked over and introduced herself. "I'm an
ultrasound tech and I have nothing to do today,"
she said.

"Do you know of anyone that could use my skills?"

"Seriously!" said the volunteer. "Just like that!"

Three young women saw ultrasound images of their
babies that day. And despite all the reasons each had
been encouraged to abort -- they each chose life for
their children.

Each of these mothers has a long road ahead and many
challenges to overcome. But they’ve taken a wonderful
first step. Please keep them in your prayers, and ask
Christ to guide them on their way.

"Before I knew the difficulties of this day, God had
planned for our needs to be met," said the 40 Days
for Life vigil participant. "Three couples who had
planned on ending their babies' lives today are still
pregnant tonight. Praise God!"

She added that the overwhelming feeling "is one of
both personal humility and awe for our God who did
so much today. What a blessing! We praise and honor
the Creator tonight. He has done marvelous things!"


Here's today's devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone, the
national director of Priests for Life...


Abortion is the great "no." May all of God's people
have the freedom and grace to say "yes" to His
marvelous plans.


For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my
mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully
and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and
that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden
from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully
wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes
saw my substance, being yet unformed and in Your book
they all were written, The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.

-- Psalm 139:13-16

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Unlike the rest of creation, we are capable of a
personal relationship with God. Not only did God
create us, but created us according to a plan devised
from all eternity. No matter how far back we go in
our imagination, there was never a time when God did
not know each of us, in every detail of our being.

There was not a particular time when God decided to
make us. The decision to make us has been in the mind
of God from all eternity. All our days were written
in His book.

To dare to say that a human being, developing in the
womb, should not be born is as wrong as to say that a
born person should not continue to grow and live. In
each case, an attack on human life is an attack on
the God who formed and made us. Jesus Christ is the
great "yes" to the promises of God; abortion is the
great "no."


Lord, I pray today for every unborn child. The beauty
of the bodies and souls of these children flows from
your hands and your eternal plan.

Awaken in every human conscience a profound reverence
for human life, and grant us grace to defend our
smallest and most defenseless brothers and sisters,
those still being formed in the secret places of
their mothers' womb. We ask this through Christ our
Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Have you been blessed through 40 Days for Life
   during this campaign? Please share your story by
   leaving a comment on today's blog posting at:


40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA