Monday, March 5, 2012



Washington Post gives the number 'two Pinochio's'
as Obama battles to silence and humiliate Catholic Church: ALL

(Stafford, VA) -- For weeks now, the White House and mainstream media have repeated ad nauseam a claim that, in direct violation of Catholic teaching, 98 percent of Catholics use contraception. However, American Life League says the statistic is fatally flawed and any real analysis of the contrived number is glaring by its absence from media reports. Guttmacher, an organization founded by and still closely aligned with Planned Parenthood, issued the controversial report.

"The report says 'data for the report come from the 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)' yet, somehow this fantastical number appears just when Obama's war on Catholics needs some ammunition," said Judie Brown, president of ALL. "Buried near the very end of the report it notes: '[Questions about] contraceptive use [were] restricted to women at risk for unintended pregnancy, whom we define as those who had had sex in the three months prior to the survey and were not pregnant, postpartum or trying to get pregnant.' A practicing Catholic woman does not consider herself 'at risk' for pregnancy. This definition distorts the results by purposely eliminating all orthodox Catholic women as well as all those who had not had sex within 90 days of the survey."

ALL points out other statistical contradictions as well. For example, on page four, the report claims that 98 percent of "sexually experienced Catholic women" use contraceptives. But on page five, the report also states "11 percent of [Catholic] women at risk for unintended pregnancy are not using contraceptives." ALL maintains that the White House and media intentionally ignore such red flags and contradictions in the report for propaganda purposes.

"The question is not whether or not Catholic women contracept, when they do so, or how many of them there are. Rather, does any of this change either the moral teaching of the Church or the Constitutional rights of the Church or individual Catholics?" asked Brown. "Clearly, the answer to that question is no."


Media inquiries, please contact Paul E. Rondeau at 540.659.4171 or