Dear deaconjohn,
Father Opio, our dynamic leader of HLI Uganda, needs your help. Uganda has been a primary target of those pushing abortion and contraception on the third world. The laws of the land are still pro-life but international organizations, funded by the deep pockets of pro-abortion elitists, have swept in with utter disregard for the law and traditions of the country. Anti-life sponsored programs are airing on radio and television in blatant attempts to brainwash citizens and shift their cultural values.
Fr. Jonathan Opio, Director of HLI Uganda |
Fr. Opio has a specific plan to fight back against the culture of death -- and it involves reaching out specifically to the youth of the country. Young adults (from 15-35) are the most significantly impacted by anti-life propaganda as they are generally the specific targets (few 8 year olds or 60 year olds have abortions). Their generation will determine whether Uganda remains a pro-life culture or succumbs to outside pressures. And they'll do it, primarily, through the choices they make in their own personal lives. And that's why Fr. Opio needs your help. He is planning an important pro-life conference designed for youth and youth ministers (and others that work with young people, such as teachers, priests, chaplains, etc). The training and education provided by HLI and Fr. Opio will help attendees better understand and confront the tactics and misinformation used by opponents of life. It will train them to see through the brainwashing attempts of the media, the false promises of the "sex-without-consequences" crowd, and the misinformation of the contraception and abortion peddlers.
Uganda December 2011 Conference March for Life |
Our goal is twofold: first, establish a strong foundation of knowledge on life-issues, so that youth and youth workers are not swayed by misinformation and downright lies; second, motivate and recruit attendees to become active in the pro-life mission around the country. Last year 2,200 people attended this conference, this year Fr. Opio expects over 3,000! But we need to raise $4,000 to make this vision a reality. Now, $4,000 may not sound like much, but with a budget as tight as HLI's is in these tough times, it might as well be a million dollars. That's why Fr. Opio and I are turning to you for your help. Can you please help HLI reach the youth of Uganda with a contribution today? The conference is scheduled for December -- so we need your help quickly. And if we manage to cover the expenses of this conference, any amount raised beyond that will go to where it is most urgently needed. Please donate today so that HLI and Fr. Opio can educate, train, and recruit the youth of Uganda to the pro-life cause. Blessings in Christ,
Father Shenan J. Boquet
President, Human Life International
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