Friday, October 6, 2017

From 40 Days For Life: DAY 10: “40 Days for Life saved my baby”

Stories like today's are why you pray!
Those words – "40 Days for Life saved my baby" – are at the top of a Facebook post … written by a young woman who had gone to Planned Parenthood in Waco, Texas for an abortion.
"When I got there," she wrote, "I saw people standing and praying." When she went inside, "I was told I had to pay for an ultrasound and I didn't have any money."
With that, the young woman left Planned Parenthood – in tears.
"That's when a man on the sidewalk asked me to come talk to him and to pray," she said. "He was so nice and introduced me to a nurse from CareNet. I didn't have a ride and the nurse offered to take me to CareNet to get an ultrasound and to talk about my decision."
That ultrasound was literally a life-saver. "When they did my ultrasound, my baby was dancing!" she said.
"I am so happy that I get to have my baby and build a life for us," the young woman added. "Thank you to the people on the sidewalk in the 40 Days for Life shirts and signs. You saved my baby!"

Riyom, Nigeria

Jummai and the 40 Days for Life volunteers in Riyom are conducting their campaign in one of the more challenging environments faced by a local team.
Pro-life activities are totally new in Riyom. Abortion is illegal, but nonetheless available. Pregnancy outside of marriage is seen as an abomination, Jummai said, "and the stigma – the shame faced by parents – has left them with no choice than to encourage their daughters to go for abortion."
The opening rally in Riyom featured testimony from young women who rejected abortion – and were then rejected by their parents. Still, they did not regret choosing life for their babies.
This 40 Days for Life campaign has a particular focus on young people. "The youth are worst hit by the crisis," Jummai said, but there is hope in the churches. "It is my fervent prayer that at least five churches will set up committees to address pro-life issues."

Spring Valley, New York

"All throughout the day, people come and go, praying, fasting and witnessing with love so that God's message is heard," said Eileen in Spring Valley.
The volunteers often hear that message reflected back to them through the people they meet on the sidewalk.
A woman stopped by the 40 Days for Life vigil to share her story with the people praying. "She was told to abort her baby because the child would be born with Down syndrome," Eileen said.
But she rejected abortion, telling the volunteers, "This child is the light of my life! Thank you for what you are doing!"
Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
— Psalm 82:4
Father, may you empower the hundreds today who are serving in our pregnancy help centers. Grant those answering calls, providing ultrasound and following up with a bold spirit of truth, love and perseverance.
See today's full devotional
For life,
Shawn D. Carney
President, 40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316