Friday, December 11, 2020

ALL's Pro-Life This Week 12/11/2020


Featured Commentary
Hope, Politics, and Human Dignity

In the age of pro-abortion Catholics in public life, confused Catholics in private life, silent bishops, and a government apparently hell-bent on avoiding recognition of the personhood of the preborn child, it is easy to become overwhelmed and even downtrodden.

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Week in Review
A number of states across the country are using “lame duck” sessions of their legislatures to protect preborn children. At the same time, the Biden/Harris team is preparing for their hoped-for reign of death.

ALL in the News
This week, American Life League was the only pro-life organization to speak out against US bishops who called on President Trump to save federal criminals over preborn babies. Judie Brown also exposed the abortion-driven motives of president-elect Biden with his latest cabinet nomination.

Pro-Life Social Media
‘REPENT’: Georgia Senate Candidate Declares Himself a Pro-Choice Pastor

Video of the Week
Baby in-utero is miraculously healed through the intercession of Knights of Columbus founder, Fr. Michael McGivney.

Action Item of the Week

This month of December is filled with many Catholic feast days and religious celebration. Today we bring you the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a prayer you can say on her feast day and throughout the month.