Thursday, December 10, 2020

Eugenics didn't end with the Nazis



Dear Friends,


Every time we think it's gone out of style, it starts coming back. No, I'm not talking about aviator sunglasses.


Eugenics are trickling back into science, politics, and modern ways of thinking. You'd think we would know better than this after seeing eugenic theories put into practice under the Nazi regime. But the culture of death is relentless.


Take a look at the articles below to find out how eugenic ideas got started in the U.S., and how they are sneaking into everyday life again. I've also included some news on how LGBTQ activists are trying to poke holes in your religious liberty.


Thanks for staying informed. In the fight for life and family, we can't take anything for granted.


John Martin

Executive Vice President

Mission Advancement

Eugenic Sterilization Laws in the U.S.


Fear and a lack of understanding often cause people to do unthinkable things.


The advent of eugenic sterilization in twentieth-century America is one example.




What Does the Catholic Church Teach about Homosexuality?


The teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality has always been perfectly clear, and every Catholic must understand and be able to transmit these teachings.




Is Nazi Euthanasia Resurfacing in the U.S.?


Many believe that the sordid history of Nazi Germany’s euthanasia program is irrelevant to current U.S. politics. However, a brief review of events in Europe during the first half of the 20th century should give us pause.




Criminalizing the Christian View of Homosexuality


Beyond a doubt, one of the gravest threats to the freedom of Christians in many Western nations right now is posed by the efforts of LGBT activists to outlaw any form of dissent from their progressive sexual ideology.




Modern Day Eugenics: Who Lives & Who Dies?


Nowadays, people often speak of eugenics as a thing of the past – a failed experiment. This is wrong. Not only has eugenics not failed, but it is also a more potent force than ever before.




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