Thursday, October 7, 2021

40 Days For Life: DAY 16: Canceled by Facebook!




Usually, 40 Days for Life participants don't have to worry about braving ice and snow until the Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign.

But Fairbanks, Alaska--home to the world's northernmost 40 Days for Life vigil--already got hit by a huge winter blizzard.

"This campaign has been met with unexpected hurdles," said Elizabeth, the Fairbanks leader. "The devil did not want this to happen. But we persevered and it is rolling along."


One of those obstacles was a 40 Days for Life social media post getting canceled by Facebook!

A post inviting friends and family members to "stand up for those littles who have yet to be born...for the next 40 Days" got a team member banned from the social media giant for three days.

Fortunately, the Fairbanks campaign is getting the message delivered without the help of Big Tech.

They are running public service announcements over the airwaves, distributing flyers in local churches, and appearing on live radio. They also hosted a powerful campaign event, drawing committed pro-lifers from the area "despite the massive snowstorm."



Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

It isn't snowing in Pennsylvania...but the precipitation might be just as abundant!

A fall shower couldn't stop the Pittsburgh faithful from joining a recent prayer rally in the Steel City.

"Hundreds actually knelt on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood in the rain for 20 minutes to pray!" Nikki reported. "It was so beautiful."

The huge crowd included dozens of members of the clergy.


Temecula, California

While holding vigil, a campaign participant met a young woman visibly shaking and crying.

She was looking for help diagnosing and treating a common infection...

...she was offered an abortion.

"They offered to abort her baby for free or charge her $500 for the test [she came for]," reported Ken, the local leader, who exhorted his volunteers to pray for this mother and for her baby. Ken also made contacts with area pregnancy resource centers to find REAL help for them!


Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

—Matthew 11:28

Father, hear our prayer! Snatch desperate mothers from the fire. Bring them out of our abortion businesses and into our pregnancy help centers. Deliver them from evil. Use us to help them choose life and see your hand of provision.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life


40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316