Saturday, October 16, 2021

40 Days For Life: DAY 25: Attacking science and God



Planned Parenthood is America's leading abortion provider...

...but abortion isn't the only danger posed by the organization.

From its transgender agenda to peddling promiscuity to teens and young adults, Planned Parenthood is always at the forefront of undermining science and God's plan for human life and sexuality.

Recently, a 40 Days for Life sidewalk counselor in Allentown, Pennsylvania reached out to a Christian woman who had an appointment at Planned Parenthood to get birth control.


"Some forms of birth control cause abortion, and it really isn’t good for healthy relationships," the sidewalk counselor explained. "If you want a good man to be with you for life and to raise your kids with you, I encourage you to be abstinent, to wait for marriage."

That's a hard message in today's culture--but the woman was all ears.

"That's what I want!" she replied, deciding to cancel her appointment at Planned Parenthood.


Galloway, New Jersey

As Ethel, the Galloway campaign leader, left her 40 Days for Life prayer shift, she received a phone call from an unknown number.

The voice on the other end of the line said she was pregnant and thinking about abortion. After driving by the vigil a few days earlier, the distressed mother looked up the Galloway 40 Days for Life campaign webpage, found Ethel's number, and called to request help.

Ethel was happy to oblige, setting up an appointment at the local pregnancy help center.

The mom hasn't definitively decided not to abort...but Ethel continues to walk with her. Now deep into her second trimester, every day she continues her pregnancy is a victory!

"She gave me such a big hug, she cried, and she thanked me for being there," Ethel said. "There is no better feeling than helping someone and loving them in their time of need."


Portland, Maine

"We have been getting a lot of challenges this year," reported Portland leader Claudia. "But...the more we are challenged and harassed, the more volunteers God sends us."

Claudia said she's had stretches where as many as 11 vigil participants were on the sidewalk at a time. And there's been no shortage of opportunities for community outreach.

"Even though it appears to be one of the most liberal cities in the world, yesterday it was a steady stream of thank yous and positive affirmations," Claudia stated.


Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

— Jeremiah 1:4-5

Lord God, we confess that in You we live and move and have our being. Because You are, we are. May we find grace from You to affirm the being of every human and may we labor to make this truth known to the world around us.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life


40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316