Monday, July 25, 2022

USCCB Respect Life July Prayer Guide



July Prayer Guide

en español


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


As we celebrate our nation’s independence this month, we rejoice that states now have the freedom to protect pre-born life in all its stages. We offer thanksgiving for the nearly 50 years of prayer, sacrifice, and service of all who have helped to bring about this victory. Above all, we praise God, and ask for His help in creating a culture in our country that truly cherishes, protects, and supports His precious gift of human life. As Catholics, we recognize that legal protection must be accompanied by care for mothers and their children. Over the past 50 years, so many in the Church and in the pro-life movement have tirelessly served pre-born children and their moms through pregnancy care centers and other services. And we each have the opportunity to consider how we can accompany women who are pregnant or parenting in difficult circumstances.

The Church likewise recognizes the incalculable damage that legalized abortion continues to leave in its wake. Just as the Church is here for women who are facing difficult pregnancies or struggling to provide for their children, it also continues to reach out to women and men after an abortion who find themselves in emotional and spiritual turmoil. Project Rachel Ministry offers confidential, compassionate help to bring forgiveness, hope and healing to women and men after involvement in an abortion. We pray that all who suffer in silence and isolation due to abortion will find the courage to reach out for help and find peace in the healing love of Christ.

Act (Choose one.)

  • Pray the Litany of the Most Precious Blood for this month’s intention. Ask Jesus, through the power of His precious blood, to transform the culture of death into a culture of life.

  • Read this brief article to learn how you can start building a culture of life today.

  • Offer some other sacrifice or prayer that you feel called to do for this month’s intention.

One Step Further

Learn more about the U.S. bishops’ commitment to mothers and children in their statement, “Standing with Moms in Need."

Did You Know?

Project Rachel Ministry, the Catholic Church’s abortion healing ministry in the United States, seeks to bring healing to those who have participated in abortion. You can find your nearest Project Rachel Ministry at using the “Find Help” button at the top of the website.

USCCB | 3211 Fourth Street NE, Washington, DC 20017-1194