Sunday, March 5, 2023

40 Days For Life: DAY 12: Abortion = Violent Crime




Abortion and violent crime go hand in hand.

You'll often find abortion facilities in neighborhoods saturated with crime for two reasons:

  1. The abortion industry targets women in rough neighborhoods. Modern-day eugenicists even credit abortion for reducing the crime rate.

  2. Abortion desensitizes us to violence--and to the value of human life. As Mother Teresa said, "If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other?"

40 Days for Life director of outreach and former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino recently visited Tacoma, Washington, where two abortion facilities set up shop in a crime-ridden part of town.

"Tacoma has one of the highest crime rates in America," Ramona reported. "Yet the faithful volunteers show up to pray in front of the Cedar River late-term abortion facility."


Planned Parenthood operates an abortion center just a block away.

"It's a sad sight to see Planned Parenthood refer women past its gestational cutoff right down the street to Cedar River," Ramona said.

One previous 40 Days for Life participant said Ramona inspired her to rejoin the fight for life: "She helped me see how important it is to be down there. I had really lost the significance of it, but I’m coming back now."

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Seattle, Washington

Abortion supporters rolled out the welcome mat when Ramona arrived to speak in Seattle.

"Protesters were there in great numbers," reported Elizabeth, who leads the Emerald City's 40 Days for Life campaign.

But Elizabeth came prepared with a safety plan to help ensure the prayer rally would proceed safely. It worked, as law enforcement kept abortion advocates from causing trouble.

"Police officers...kept the other folks on good behavior with their presence," Elizabeth explained. "The police told us that they were not worried about our group."


Mount Vernon, Washington

Cindy in Mount Vernon often thought about how nice it would be to have a pro-life establishment where vigil participants could rest or even get a cup of coffee.

When she noticed a property adjacent to Planned Parenthood go up for sale, that dream became reality.

Not only does "Hannah's House" offer respite to pro-life vigil participants, it also provides support to women in crisis.

Ramona spoke at a 40 Days for Life rally held at the property, which netted the local campaign at least one more volunteer!

"A woman said she was there by 'divine appointment,'" Ramona said. "She vowed to sign up to pray!"


My power is made perfect in weakness.

--2 Corinthians 12:9

Lord, during these forty days, we ask that with each day of this sacred vigil, everything in us that separates us from your perfect will would be pruned from our hearts and souls. In this blessed freedom, may we experience a powerful anointing of your Holy Spirit.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316