Friday, October 24, 2014

Abortion Clinic that Killed 50,000 Babies was Closed Using 4 Steps Outlined in New Book

Abortion Clinic that Killed 50,000 Babies was Closed Using 4 Steps Outlined in New Book
Wichita, Kansas - Once known as Wichita Family Planning, a rundown abortion facility was the site of high drama during the Summer of Mercy in the summer of 1991.
As temperatures soared into triple digits, hundreds of men and women jammed the alley and parking lot surrounding the squatty brick structure that housed Wichita's lesser-known abortion facility. The frustrated clinic administrator looked on, fumbling with the keys to the clinic's door, anxious for the police to clear a path so she could begin her scheduled day of child-killing.

At one point police officers mounted on horseback, also frustrated with the resolute crowd that steadfastly refused to disperse as long as innocent lives were at risk, drove their horses into the helpless crowd of praying Christians even as they lifted their voices to heaven in prayer and hymns.