Friday, August 28, 2020

ALL's Pro-Life This Week

Featured Commentary

Murder Most Foul

Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the ghost of Hamlet’s father spoke of his own
murder. Here, we speak of a crime that is committed without the revenge
that initiated Claudius’ killing. It is murder committed under cover of
law—the murder of tiny preborn babies.

Pro-Life This Week
is made possible thanks to the generosity of our donors. Please
consider supporting American Life League with a tax-deductible gift.

To contribute securely online using your credit card, click the button below. If you prefer, you may mail a contribution to:

American Life League,

P.O. Box 6170

Falmouth, VA 22403

Week in Review

four years, we have a presidential election and somebody always says
that the current election is the most important in our history. This
year, however, we have an election of biblical proportions. Judge for

ALL in the News

vice president Hugh Brown is a recurring guest on the show, “Let’s Talk
America with Alan Keyes”. Hugh and Alan discuss topical political
subjects and dive into the tough conversations.

Pro-Life Social Media

Twitter in 2020 can invoke feelings of
depression, hopelessness, and anger. But if you look between the tweets
of riots, shootings, pandemics, and politics, you’ll sometimes find
sparks of beauty.

Video of the Week

Sister Deirdre Byrne’s Pro-Life Speech at the Republican National Convention

Action Item of the Week

that both the Democratic and Republican Party conventions are
completed, election season is in full swing. Election Day is on November
3, but early voting begins as early as September in some states (e.g.,
September 19, 2020, in Virginia).