Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Biden Platform: What Catholics should know

Tribulation Times

August 21, 2020
(Deu 30:19) I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have
set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore
life, that both thou and thy seed may live:


Tens of millions of American Catholics believe that a morally serious
person can look at the industrial-scale slaughter of innocent children
in this country – close to a million abortions performed each year – and
say, “I am willing, not only to defend that butcher’s bill, but I
promise to expand it, if doing so allows me to pursue justice on other


DAILY COMPASS“What civilisation? Chemical abortion led me into a dreadful deception.”

NCR COMMENTARYOn Biden, Abortion and Communion

CNAThe Biden Platform: What Catholics should know

THE DAILY SIGNALTwo Reports Buttress Trump Policies Banning Abortion Funding Abroad, Fetal Tissue Research at Home

The government issued two reports Tuesday evaluating the Trump
administration’s pro-life policies that curb taxpayer funding for
abortion-related matters here and abroad.

The State Department issued a status report early Tuesday on the
Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance policy, which requires
foreign nongovernmental organizations getting U.S. taxpayer funding to
agree not to perform or actively promote abortion.

Then, late Tuesday afternoon, the administration released
recommendations by an ethics advisory board to Secretary of Health and
Human Services Alex Azar on alternatives to research using fetal tissue
from abortions.

The restriction on federal funding of abortions by foreign entities
applies to the State Department, the Defense Department, the Department
of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Agency for International
Development, or USAID.

The new status report found no disruptions to providing health care
abroad, with only eight of the 1,340 prime grantees declining to take
federal funding with the conditions attached. The two largest of the
eight were the International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie
Stopes International.

“The government worked quickly to transition activity to new partners
in order to prevent and resolve any delays or gaps in health care being
delivered around the world,” a senior Trump administration official
told reporters Tuesday.

That’s contrary, the official added, “to the narrative sometimes
pushed by the left that pro-life policies sometimes stand in the way of
women’s health and wellness.”

RELATEDIs the coronavirus vaccine made from fetal cell lines?

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 30- “Concerning the Supreme Trinity Among the Virtues”

10. As love wanes, fear appears; because he who has no fear is either filled with love, or is dead in soul.

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