Thursday, August 6, 2020

Why are late abortions performed? (It's not what you think)


Do you know why the West pushes for abortion in poor countries instead of true economic development? The U.S. came up with this idea decades ago as a way to make sure we could steal natural resources from the developing world. The plan is laid out in a National Security Council policy called NSSM-200. I’ve attached an article on it below. If this comes as a surprise to you, please take a few minutes to learn more! Not enough people know about this.


I am always astonished at the ways abortion advocates like to pretend that abortion is kind and merciful. There is no such thing as a good reason to kill a child, but the real motivations behind abortion are truly disgusting. Racism, greed, and convenience are high on the list.


This week I’ve picked out some articles for you that expose the real reasons why people push for abortion (and contraception) all over the world. Please take a look!


The culture of death thrives on misinformation. You are sidelining them by staying informed.


John Martin

Executive Vice President

Mission Advancement

The Racism of Eugenics


From its beginning, the eugenics movement has been led exclusively by influential white elitists. And those targeted by eugenics measures have invariably been minorities and the poor.




Why Are Late Abortions Performed?


Pro-abortionists often dismiss pro-life concerns by saying that third-trimester abortions are rarely performed in the U.S., and only for the most extreme cases. The question we must ask is whether these claims are true.




NSSM-200: Blueprint for World Depopulation


In December 1974, the National Security Council finalized the top-secret document NSSM-200, which was written because the NSC saw rapid population growth in less developed countries as a threat to our national welfare.




The Cure for "Jaw Dropping" Population Decline


For the past few decades, the world elite have been so obsessed with stopping world population growth that they seem never to have considered what would happen if they succeeded.




Chinese Contraceptive Genocide: A Terror Campaign


The mainstream media has suddenly awaken to the fact that China is a genocidal regime, currently crushing Muslim populations through forced sterilization and abortion.




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