Friday, August 21, 2020

Pro-life Activists Score Major First Amendment Victory


Pro-life Activists Score Major First Amendment Victory Regarding Arrests for Chalking on the Public Sidewalk in Front of the Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic
Christian Defense Coalition
Aug. 21, 2020

WASHINGTON, Aug. 21, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- On August 1, two students were arrested for peacefully chalking the message "Black Preborn Lives Matter" on the public sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood.

Here is a news link to the story:

In response to these unjust arrests and crushing of the First Amendment by the City of Washington, D.C., the Christian Defense Coalition organized a major "Chalk for Life/Justice" event at the D.C. Planned Parenthood for this Saturday.

"Chalk for Life/Justice" will take place on Saturday, August 22, at 10:00 AM at the Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood located at 1225 4th St. NE.

Here is a link to the Facebook Event Page:

The Christian Defense Coalition heard back from law enforcement officials this week that no arrests would be made for sidewalk chalking and the event could move forward.

The students were arrested in spite of the fact that activists have been chalking in front of the Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood for over 30 years and on July 11 a major sidewalk chalk event took place in front of Planned Parenthood with the knowledge and permission of law enforcement.

We have included a picture from that event:

The City of Washington, D.C. has allowed hundreds of protesters to chalk messages across the nation's capital during Black Lives Matter demonstrations with no arrests.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states:

    "We were deeply troubled when students were unjustly arrested for peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights in the public square. The City of Washington, D.C. clearly violated the basic tenants of free speech and the law by allowing Black Lives Matter protesters to engage in specific activities, while arresting members of Students for Life for doing the exact same thing.

    "In response to this blatant disregard of the First Amendment by Washington, D.C. officials, we told the police we were coming back to sidewalk chalk in front of Planned Parenthood even if that meant getting arrested. It was critical for the pro-life movement to send a powerful message that we would not be bullied or intimidated into surrendering our free speech rights with respect to speaking out against abortion violence.

    "While we are thankful law enforcement officials said our sidewalk chalk event could move forward with no arrests, we hope and pray Washington, D.C. public officials would now respect, honor and protect the First Amendment rights for everyone in our nation's capital. A first step in demonstrating this commitment would be to immediately drop all charges against these innocent students who were arrested."
For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741

SOURCE Christian Defense Coalition

CONTACT: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741

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