Thursday, September 30, 2021

LifeNews: AOC Tells OBGYN She Doesn’t Know What She’s Talking About


AOC Tells OBGYN That She Doesn’t Know What She’s Talking About

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bashed a prominent OB-GYN on Thursday during a U.S. Congressional hearing. Pro-Life News Report

Thursday, September 30, 2021

 To read the news, visit

Top Stories
AOC Tells OBGYN That She Doesn’t Know What She’s Talking About
Joe Manchin Won’t Vote for Democrat Reconciliation Bill Without Hyde Amendment
Cori Bush Brags About Killing Her Baby in an Abortion: “I Am Not Ashamed”
Abortionist Celebrates Killing Babies, Tells Congress “Abortion is a Blessing, Abortion is an Act of Love”

More Pro-Life News
Women’s March Shuts Out Pro-Life Women: You’re Not Welcome
Pro-Abortion Feminist Dolores Huerta Claims Unborn Babies Have No Souls
Biden Nominee Defended Partial-Birth Abortions: Just Because They’re Gross Doesn’t Make Them Wrong
Democrats Hold Congressional Hearing to Celebrate Killing Their Babies in Abortions
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Joe Manchin Won’t Vote for Democrat Reconciliation Bill Without Hyde Amendment

Senator Joe Manchin has said he will not vote for any Democrat reconciliation bill without the Hyde Amendment to protect Americans from having to fund abortions.

Cori Bush Brags About Killing Her Baby in an Abortion: “I Am Not Ashamed”

Democrat Congresswoman Cori Bush shared her abortion story publicly for the first time this fall to try to persuade Americans to support legalized abortion on demand.

Abortionist Celebrates Killing Babies, Tells Congress “Abortion is a Blessing, Abortion is an Act of Love”

Abortion is a “blessing” and an “act of love,” a Texas abortionist told lawmakers at a U.S. House hearing Thursday.

Women’s March Shuts Out Pro-Life Women: You’re Not Welcome

This year’s Women’s March has a new name: the “Rally for Abortion Justice.”

SDuring a recent interview on CNN En Español, labor leader Dolores Huerta argued that the pre-born have no soul, and that pro-life arguments are deceptively used as a political tool with which to engage Latinos.

Biden Nominee Defended Partial-Birth Abortions: Just Because They’re Gross Doesn’t Make Them Wrong

Joe Biden’s nominee to lead global health development at the U.S. Agency for International Development formerly suggested that brutal partial birth abortion techniques should not be vilified over other abortion procedures.

Democrats Hold Congressional Hearing to Celebrate Killing Their Babies in Abortions

Decades ago, Democrats claimed that they wanted abortions to be “safe, legal and rare.”



Sonia Sotomayor Tells Abortion Activists to Change Texas Law So Babies Can be Killed in Abortions

Planned Parenthood Begs Texas Supreme Court to Stop Abortion Ban From Saving More Babies

Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill Calls Mothers “Pregnant People” and “Lactating Individuals”

University Hides Investigation of Its Research Using Body Parts From Aborted Babies

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

40 Days For Life: DAY 9: The Good News Keeps Coming



It's not just a clever tagline. Your prayers really do bring about The Beginning of the End of Abortion.

Case in point: over the last few years, 40 Days for Life campaigns in the El Paso, Texas area have helped put 3 different abortion facilities out of business...forever!

And the good news keeps coming. Mark, who oversees multiple campaigns in the region recently announced that El Paso's Planned Parenthood no longer has an active abortion license.

"This means they are not able to perform any abortion...even chemical abortions under six weeks, which are still currently allowed by the Heartbeat Law.


Planned Parenthood in El Paso isn't closed--yet. It can still refer women for abortions at other facilities.

"But the fact is that God has now stopped abortions at 4 locations in 4 years!" Mark said.

With just one active abortion facility in the region, the El Paso area is closer than ever to the end of abortion!


Mount Juliet, Tennessee

Mount Juliet 40 Days for Life leader Kathy recruited local clergy to join her vigil.

"We began at 6 am in the dark and rain," Kathy reported. "But local ministers signed up...and the rain did not deter them."

A local Baptist pastor closed the day by bringing members of his church to the vigil for prayer and music.


Phoenix, Arizona

During this spring's vigil, football players and coaches from a nearby Catholic high school joined the vigil from 6 - 7 am twice a week.

Two of those players are now studying for the Catholic priesthood. Those students along with other Phoenix seminarians join the vigil each Friday afternoon.

Phoenix co-leader Ellen buys the young men 40 Days for Life T-shirts to don at the vigil. "I consider it missionary work!" she said.


And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:14

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your love and saving grace in Christ Jesus. Help us to realize every day the great blessing we have in our Savior. I pray that we will rise every morning with excitement and zeal, looking forward to walking another day in your footsteps fully knowing that you continue to dwell among us.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life


40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

LifeNews: Judge Who Made David Daleiden Pay Millions Caught Breaking Law

  Pro-Life News Report

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

 To read the news, visit

Top Stories
Judge Who Made David Daleiden Pay Millions for Exposing Planned Parenthood Caught Breaking the Law
Joe Biden Will Meet With Pope Francis Next Month, Pope Should Rebuke Him for Promoting Abortion
Texas Tells Federal Judge to Reject Joe Biden’s Attempt to Block Abortion Ban
Catholic Bishop Calls for Massive Prayer Campaign to Convert Nancy Pelosi

More Pro-Life News
Pro-Life Group Presents Supreme Court With 500,000 Signatures Asking It to Overturn Roe
Democrats are Mad The Texas Abortion Ban Has Saved 2,800 Babies From Abortion
Report Shows Red States Have Fewer Unintended Pregnancies and Abortions Than Blue States
Abortionist Faces Malpractice Lawsuit After Nearly Killing Woman in Botched 25-Week Abortion
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Judge Who Made David Daleiden Pay Millions for Exposing Planned Parenthood Caught Breaking the Law

A federal judge who fined undercover journalist David Daleiden $16 million for exposing Planned Parenthood’s aborted baby body parts trade is facing accusations of illegal and unethical financial connections to a party in one of his cases.

Joe Biden Will Meet With Pope Francis Next Month, Pope Should Rebuke Him for Promoting Abortion

Joe Biden will have his first official meeting with Pope Francis next month. 

Texas Tells Federal Judge to Reject Joe Biden’s Attempt to Block Abortion Ban

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton asked a federal judge Wednesday to throw out the Biden administration’s lawsuit against his state’s life-saving new heartbeat law.

Catholic Bishop Calls for Massive Prayer Campaign to Convert Nancy Pelosi

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone encouraged pro-life Americans to join him in praying for the conversion of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s heart so that she will recognize the value of unborn babies.

Pro-Life Group Presents Supreme Court With 500,000 Signatures Asking It to Overturn Roe

A pro-life group has presented the nation’s highest court with over half a million signatures from Americans asking it to overturn the infamous case that has resulted in 63 million babies dying in abortions.

Senate Democrats held a hearing Wednesday blasting the new Texas heartbeat law and the U.S. Supreme Court justices who refused to temporarily block it earlier this month.

Report Shows Red States Have Fewer Unintended Pregnancies and Abortions Than Blue States

Earlier this month, the Guttmacher Institute released a report with new state-level data on pregnancies and desires surrounding pregnancy.

Abortionist Faces Malpractice Lawsuit After Nearly Killing Woman in Botched 25-Week Abortion

A Federal medical malpractice case has been filed against nationally known late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart.



Democrats Used to Want Abortion “Safe, Legal and Rare.” Now They Want Unlimited Abortions Up to Birth

A Baby’s Heart Begins Beating Three Weeks After Conception, Abortion Stops a Beating Heart

National Women’s March Tells Pro-Life Women They’re Not Welcome

Daily Show Host Trevor Noah Celebrates Abortions: It’s Just a “Simple Medical Procedure”

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.