Were there to be no support in the whole history of ethical and moral thought, were there no acknowledged confirmation from medical science, were the history of legal opinion to the contrary, we would still have to conclude on the basis of God's Holy Word that the unborn child is a person in the sight of God. He is protected by the sanctity of life graciously given to each individual by the Creator, Who alone places His image upon man and grants them any right to life which they have.
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The U.S. Rejects "International Right to Abortion" - Surrogacy Should Be Next
By John Grondelski
Restoration of the [Geneva Consensus Declaration] is a good thing. Now let’s build on it. We need a Global Consensus Declaration on surrogacy.
After Teenager Is Coerced into Abortion, New York Shields Abortionists from Liability
By Bernadette Patel
The passage of the law, which will allow physicians to remove their names from prescriptions for abortion-inducing drugs, is in response to a grand jury indictment of Dr. Margaret Carpenter, a New York-based abortionist, who illegally sent abortion pills to the mother of a pregnant minor in Louisiana.
The Forgotten Rebellion against Abortion in the Early Christian Church
From the 50th Anniversary Summer/Fall Issue of the Human Life Review
By Blake Schaper
By the time Christianity began to emerge, the practice of child abandonment was systematic and epidemic. However, the beliefs of the early Christians led them to act in ways contrary to those of the Roman world around them.
Over the Counter Counterintuitive
By Diane Moriarty
[N]ow pills that kill life in the womb can be sold over the counter as if they were just aspirin: The barrier that separates you having no more gravitas than a lunch counter? It’s counterintuitive. Or should be.
By Archdeacon Tara Jernigan
In liminal spaces there are no clear answers. We make little gambles on the future; we do not know the full outcome of past decisions and actions. ... Faith is for the liminal, the not knowing, the questioning times.
Pastoral Reflection for Lent 2025
By Rev. George Brooks
Observe the devil’s method: He takes a truth and then distorts it in order to deceive. But Jesus cannot be deceived; he knows that he was sent into the world as man to do his Father’s will; and it is his Father’s will that he should give his life for the salvation of his human family.
By Brian Caulfield
Just when the nation seems to be teetering on the edge of political and cultural inanity, with one side defending what the other seeks to undo, there comes bipartisan news: Pitchers and catchers are warming up at baseball training camps in Florida and Arizona.
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