Thursday, November 21, 2013

Catholics Will Likely Relive Past Persecutions

Tribulation Times

November 21, 2013

(1Ma 1:62-63) But many in Israel were determined and resolved in their hearts not to eat anything unclean;they preferred to die rather than to be defiled with unclean food or to profane the holy covenant; and they did die. Terrible affliction was upon Israel.

CRISIS MAGAZINE: Catholics Will Likely Relive Past Persecutions

USCCB: U.S. Bishops Issue ‘Special Message’ on HHS Mandate

FR. PAUL NICHOLSON EXCERPT: But take away faith ... faith in Jesus Christ, faith in His Church and what do you have? You have the maniacal madness of the first reading (1 Maccabees 1:10-15,41-43, 54-57, 62-63) in which humanity renounces the truth and the only truth it will accept is power and force. And in the absence of this light ... it is impossible to tell good from evil.

It is true that we can know right from wrong without the light of faith ... but it is extremely difficult due to the disorder in our fallen human nature. Blindness is made more terrible when we are convinced we can actually see.

Once the light of faith is extinguished, so too is the smaller light of reason. This idea come from Lumen Fidei, the enclycical on faith, written by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and our Holy Father Francis.

From the book of Maccabees we read about the terrible affliction that fell upon Israel in the empire of the Greeks. Every generation of the human family has seen upstarts like Antiochus Epiphanes ... who brutally and savagely invade the sanctuary of conscience. Under the name of progress, countless dictators have come and gone ... advocating liberation from faith and a rebirth of knowledge only to replace it with the idolatry of the imperial will and the slavery of ignorance.

MYSTICS OF THE CHURCH: The great Purification that is (soon) to come for all of humanity

VIA Reader: The Feeling That Something Big Is About To Happen

Many people have told me that they have an ever increasing feeling that something big is about to happen.  I too sense it.  In fact, I would say that the words “sense it” are far too mild.  What I feel is an incredibly strong feeling that strikes to my very core.

We have been flooded with signs that we are now in the very last of the “last days.”  It is not just the freakish weather.  It is not just the tetrads of blood moons repeatedly falling on Jewish feast days or the timing of comet Ison and its potential to be the most spectacular of all time.  It is also the supernatural hatred of anything Christian in both our government and in the world.  It is the direction world politics has taken, the political collapse that is occurring in our own nation, the faltering of the world economy, the increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity, the wildfires, the mass die-offs of the animals, the strange and eerie sounds being heard all over the world, the ever unfolding nuclear disaster in Japan, the crumbling of Christian fundamentals and the apostasy, the apparent fulfillment of St. Malachy’s prophecy of the popes, the rise of worldwide homosexuality and other sexual perversions, the wars and rumors of war, the urgent push to disarm the American public, the ever increasing signs of sinister government conspiracies, the rabid fanaticism of our government to build a file of information of every person, the looming threat of worldwide hunger, the increase of both disease and pestilence, the advances in technology which defy the limits God has set for mankind, and even all that is happening to Israel at this very moment.

There is something more than this going on right now and I can feel it.  So can many others out there.  It is an almost overwhelming feeling that keeps growing in intensity,

46. He also said, 'Fasting is the monk's control over sin. The man who stops fasting is like a stallion who lusts the moment he sees a mare.'

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