Friday, January 25, 2019

Judie Brown: Cuomo's Celebration of Abortion in NY Warrants His Excommunication


Contact the Catholic Diocese of Albany and Ask Bishop Scharfenberger To Consider Canonical Penalties Against Pro-Abortion "Catholic" Cuomo

The following is an excerpt from a letter I sent to Bishop Edward Scharfenberger this morning after his strong statements condemning NY Governor Andrew Cuomo's "celebration" signing of sweeping abortion legislation on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. 
If you feel similarly moved, please contact His Excellency with a respectful message encouraging him to enforce Canon 915 and pursue a public excommunication of Governor Cuomo either via phone at (518) 453-6600 or with a letter to:
The Most Reverence Bishop Edward Scharfenberger
Catholic Diocese of Albany
40 North Main Avenue
Albany, NY 12203
An excerpt from my own letter to Bp. Scharfengerber is below:

Your Excellency, we thank you for this strong statement to Governor Cuomo, but, in view of the fact that souls are being jeopardized by the governor's pro-abortion actions and rhetoric, we ask you to please instruct him to not longer call himself Catholic and perhaps pursue Cuomo's public excommunication, as he has clearly already excommunicated himself.
Governor Cuomo is a perfect example of Christ's warning to His flock, found in Matthew 7:15-16: Beware of false prophets who come to you disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves.  You will be able to tell them by their fruits.
Please, Your Excellency, take action that clarifies for the Catholic people of New York that what the governor has done is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  The man is not Catholic. 
God bless you, and thank you for your courage in this dark time in the state of New York. 
In Christ, the Author of LIFE!

PS:  Please remember to be respectful in whatever you communicate to Bishop Scharfenberger as he has already demonstrated tremendous courage thus far.  Bishop Strickland and Bishop Skita have already joined with Monsignor Pope in calling for canonical penalties -- which is nothing to celebrate, but a recognition of an unfortunate reality.

PPS:  Also, now would be a great time to remind Cuomo of one simple fact.  YOU CAN'T BE CATHOLIC AND PRO-ABORTION!  If you'd like to remind Cuomo and all your other friends and neighbors of this simple fact, you can get the bumper sticker by clicking here!