was legalized by the Supreme Court, not by the legislature or the
people. Same-sex “marriage” was made the law of the land after the
Supreme Court somehow discovered a “fundamental right” for people of the
same sex to get married in the Constitution – a “right” that had
somehow lain hidden for over 200 years after the Constitution was
drafted by men who almost certainly didn’t spend so much as five seconds
in their whole lives considering the notion of two men or two women
getting “married” to one another.
And now, yet another radical
social change has been imposed upon the United States by the Supreme
Court – change that further erodes our understanding of the objective
differences between men and women, the role of the family, the nature
and purpose of sex and marriage, and religious liberty.
In a
decision that is being called the “Roe v. Wade of Religious Liberty,”
the Supreme Court ruled earlier this month that Title VII, which bans
employment discrimination based upon “sex,” extends to discrimination
based upon “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”
Judicial Overreach
The details of the decision in Bostock v. Clayton County
are complex. However, conservative and religious legal scholars are
almost universally agreed on two points: 1) The decision amounts to an
egregious overreach of judicial power, with the court once again
legislating matters that by all rights belong to the legislature; and,
2) This decision will have massive, unpredictable, far-reaching negative
long-term ramifications on a whole host of matters, including religious
liberty. . . .
(Click here to continue reading this article.)
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Father Shenan J. Boquet
President, Human Life International
Human Life International
4 Family Life Lane ● Front Royal, VA 22630
www.hli.org ● 540-635-7884 ● hli@hli.org