Tribulation Times
July 3, 2020
(Pro 24:24-25) They that say to the wicked man: Thou art just: shall be cursed by the people, and the tribes shall abhor them. They that rebuke him shall be praised: and a blessing shall come upon them.
(Pro 24:24-25) They that say to the wicked man: Thou art just: shall be cursed by the people, and the tribes shall abhor them. They that rebuke him shall be praised: and a blessing shall come upon them.
PADRE PIO ON ABORTION: “I would like to strew these parents with the ashes of their destroyed fetuses” “Those ashes should be thrown in the brazen faces of murderous parents.” “Those who practice abortion and who turn to subterfuge and sophisms in order to remain within the limits of the Catholic Church, are poor people who are deceiving themselves, and are very similar to the remains of Pompeii . . . I pity nobody more than these.”
ED. CONDON BLOG: On John Roberts, who loves his children
ANALYSIS: What’s next for the Supreme Court and abortion?
CNA: Catholic bishop: bill changes would leave UK with ‘most extreme abortion legislation in Europe’

Is there a central Cause for the chaos around us today?
We're not speaking of a sole cause, but of one very big central one.
Brothers & Sisters, how many answers about the question above do you think you would get from the people you run into on the street in your city, town, farming community - your own relatives, or even your local Parish/church or Pastor?
We all know there would be a rash of different answers. And that is part of the problem. Some would say abandonment of God, abandonment of the God-Man Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Some would say, ‘Pride, pride goes before the fall’. Some would say it is the abandonment of morals while we as a culture and society are immersed in pure materialism - seeking a life of ease and pleasure. Some would even say racism. Others would try to tell you it is all about economic inequality. Some would simply say it has been, and is, the refusal of mankind to repent of their sins and convert. [Each one of us could continue this list 'ad nauseam'. Couldn't we?]
But is there one big sin, one direct rejection of God’s law above or under all the others – which wraps more people up in themselves, blinding them in their ability to see they are sinners, to ask for God’s forgiveness and to seek conversion of heart?
On the rare occasion that I express a personal opinion, by habit, I label it as such. This one is such an opinion - which is based upon some serious outside evidence, yes. But it is nevertheless a personal opinion - about which I personally have very little doubt. And it is nothing new.
I believe it is sins of impurity – of all kinds. This was first attested to by Our Lady of Fatima to the three children there in 1917. She showed the children a vision of hell and told them:
“"More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason." She additionally added, "Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much." … "Woe to women lacking in modesty."
On July 13, 1917 the Blessed Virgin unveiled at Fatima a terrifying reality before the three children's eyes. Lucia recounts: ‘Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire, which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls, in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in this conflagration in clouds of smoke, lifted by flames coming out of their bodies. They rose and fell on all sides, like sparks in roaring fires, without weight or direction, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair that terrified us and made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. This vision lasted but a moment, thanks to our good Mother from Heaven who had warned us beforehand, and promised to take us to Heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of horror and fear. Then we raised our eyes to Our Lady, who said with kindness and sadness: 'You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If people do what I am going to tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.”
That is the end of Lucia’s description of the vision – with the ending in which Our Lady told the children that mankind must convert to save huge numbers of souls from going to hell – especially from the sins of impurity. But is that the only downside? No. Our Lady added that if men did not repent – there would be massive world and civil war, disease, famine, civil unrest, suffering, etc. Sins of impurity are not the only cause of our current worldwide chaos. But in considering Our Lady’s words, it is my opinion that it is a logical conclusion the major cause of the chaos is sins of impurity.
St. Augustine speaks of women going to Pharmakei (poisoners who prescribed herbs which killed the egg in a women) and Magei (workers of incantations and spells and also poisoners) to avoid pregnancy. He writes that when they got pregnant anyway, then they went back to the pharmakei (poisoner) to purchase herbs which would kill the baby. And when that failed, they would leave the baby out on a street or in a garbage heap to die of exposure.
See how much things have changed since then? [Right?]
Condoms made of animal and fish skins were used starting back in the Renaissance. In the mid-19th century, vulcanized rubber was discovered, leading to vulcanized rubber condoms. But they had a very high failure rate. World War I saw the deployment of condoms made of rubber, along with weapons and ammunition for the German army. In the 1920s, latex was invented. Latex was the discovery that transformed condoms into what they are today. By 1927 they were being mass marketed in the Western World.
On Dec. 31, 1930. Pope Pius XI issued his Papal Encyclical. ‘Castii Conubii’, on Christian Marriage. Therein, he denounced contraception as a grave sin against God’s law. He listed the greatest evils which would result from a broad acceptance and usage of such contraceptive methods. In part he wrote, “…that a great number of men, forgetful of that divine work of redemption, either entirely ignore or shamelessly deny the great sanctity of Christian wedlock, or relying on the false principles of a new and utterly perverse morality, too often trample it under foot. And since these most pernicious errors and depraved morals have begun to spread even amongst the faithful and are gradually gaining ground, in Our office as Christ's Vicar upon earth and Supreme Shepherd and Teacher, We consider it Our duty to raise Our voice to keep the flock committed to Our care from poisoned pastures and, as far as in Us lies, to preserve it from harm.”
He points out the central theme of the promoters of condoms, “To begin at the very source of these evils, their basic principle lies in this, that matrimony is repeatedly declared to be not instituted by the Author of nature nor raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a true sacrament, but invented by man.” Well, has this view come to be commonly accepted? Guess what, the shared object of Hillary Clinton and Black Lives Matter and LGBT is to disable ‘The Nuclear Family’, destroy the concept that the family is the central core unity of society.
Pius XI points out that the greatest danger to the common acceptance of the ideas and methods of the promoters of contraception lead to, “… the taking of the life of the offspring hidden in the mother's womb.” Yes, he fully understood the link between contraception and abortion – just as Augustine and many others before him did – and he now quotes Augustine in this matter of the direct connection between contraception and abortion. Pius XI points out that widespread acceptance of contraception will lead to the breakup of marriages and children raised without a father in the home. [Almost ninety years ago he clearly saw the plague of the single parent families of today .]
Fifteen years after Castii Conubii, World War II was just ending. Every Catholic who attended Mass regularly now saw in the pews (as I did as a boy) the stark reality of the three classes of families. A) There are those with no children – mostly composed of those who could have no children of their own, B) Those who have on average two children (usual maximum 3), C) And those with clearly larger families who took up much of a pew by themselves.
By the mid 1950’s the difference is even clearer. The large families make up only 10 to 15 percent of the congregation. But the vast majority of Catholics are in the 1950’s still horrified at the idea of abortion.
In 1962, the infamous ‘Pill’ is introduced and a rapidly increasing percentage of Catholic girls in college and university are giving in to boys’ demands that they have intercourse with them prior to marriage. Most of the girls who gave in most quickly after introduction of the pill, were those raised by contracepting mothers – mothers who had indoctrinated their daughters into greeting contraception with open arms.
Central cause: The hierarchy generally failed to present the contents of Castii Conubii to the faithful. They did not insist that their seminaries teach the future priests the truth about contraception, which teaching goes back to the Infant Church. I was raised in a broad spectrum of parochial venues. That ignorance was an almost universal problem by the 1950’s.
In 1968, Pope Paul VI introduces his Encyclical, ‘Humanae Vitae” – On Human Life. Therein, he expands the previous teaching of Pope Pius XI and predicts in even graver language all of the social and societal ills which already exist and will further develop from widespread usage of contraception. He brilliantly predicts as a result the development of a trashy culture which will treat women as sex toys to satisfy the lusts of men, as objects to be used and then thrown away. Worst of all, thousands of priests and nuns publicly, mindlessly, denounced Paul VI and Humanae Vitae.
Do any of us need a crystal ball to see the fallout from widespread acceptance of Contraception in the 20th century? They are amongst other ills; broken homes, emotionally unstable children and grandchildren, single parent families raising boys, many if not most of whom will turn out to be run-away fathers. Lastly, the decline of a stable society (due to so many males dropping out of school, who subsequently only know gangs, drugs and prison. And, let’s not forget the homicidal Planned Parenthoods of this world. And, let's not forget the ultimate perversion caused by a lack of teaching about the only licit purpose of sex, the procreative and unitive purposes of one man and one women in marriage - LGBT - homosexual unions.
These are only highlights of the subject of the result of widespread contraception. And, yes, it is my opinion that sins of the flesh, sins of impurity are the ‘major’ cause of our national, societal, and familial problems today. And Our Lady predicted, at Fatima, what would happen if mankind did not repent of and convert from such sins. Instead, mankind in general has gone downhill into the moral sewage and social carnage predicted for such a sexually perverted generation.
It is the crux of the current chaos.
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 29- "Concerning Heaven on Earth"
2. The firmament has the stars for its beauty, and dispassion has the virtues for its adornments; for by dispassion, I mean nothing other than the Heaven of the mind within the heart, which regards the wiles of the demons as mere pranks.Prayer request? Send an email to:
"Have ANY Catholic Question? Just ask Ron Smith at:
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