Saturday, October 7, 2023

40 Days For Life: DAY 11: Blasphemy



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Abortion advocates continue to show how out of touch they are with mainstream public opinion.

The "Shout Your Abortion" movement is placing billboards across Southern states--billboards designed to lure abortion-vulnerable women to Illinois, where abortion isn't just legal; it's celebrated.

One blasphemous billboard declares, "God's Plan Includes Abortion," even as Christians are overwhelmingly pro-life.

The 40 Days for Life campaign in Clearwater, Florida, is setting the record straight with a billboard of its own.


Jane, the local leader, said that her volunteers can't get very near to the abortion facility, but the billboard should magnify her team's community outreach.

Jane added that "miracles happen" in spite of the physical distance between her vigil and the abortion center.

"I see you people out here, and you changed my mind," said the driver of a van who stopped to talk with Jane.

Jane immediately praised God--especially after learning the woman's baby was right there in her van with her!

"I was ecstatic," Jane recalled. "That incident changed everything for me. I still get goose bumps! Despite the fact that we DO NOT get to be near the abortion-minded women and men, we know that we have an effect on them as we stand praying."


Boston, Massachusetts

The "Shout Your Abortion" folks aren't the only ones blaspheming in promotion of abortion.

Rita in Boston said a Planned Parenthood escort wears a shirt depicting Our Lady of Guadalupe--who is honored by Catholics as a patroness of unborn children and particularly revered by Spanish-speakers.

"She is very smug and in your face," said Rita, the longtime Boston leader. "She dances around singing songs in Spanish."

But the local team is not deterred.

"We have a wonderful Hispanic community in Boston," Rita said. "They are very faithful. We are blessed to have them."



St. Cloud, Minnesota

40 Days for Life director of medical affairs and education and former abortion provider Dr. Haywood Robinson's tour of Minnesota continued with a visit to St. Cloud, where the local Planned Parenthood doesn't do abortions...but it does sell them.

Hundreds of people turned out to see Dr. Robinson at the enthusiastic and energetic event!

Dr. Robinson recognized Judy, the campaign leader, for more than a decade of service leading St. Cloud's 40 Days for Life efforts twice a year, every year.


And a voice came from the heavens, saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”

--Matthew 3:17

Dear God, you are a good and gracious father. Help us to stand firm in our identity as your sons and daughters so that we might share your love with everyone we encounter. Heal the wounds caused by our shortcomings and the shortcomings of others. We pray that every parent and child might know that you love them more than anyone else in the world ever can. Amen.

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life


40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316