Monday, August 5, 2024 Pro-Life News Report Monday, August 5, 2024

 Pro-Life News Report

Monday, August 5, 2024

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Top Stories
If Kamala Harris is President, She Will Impose Abortions Up to Birth on America
Biden and Harris Keep Trying to Put Pro-Life Americans in Prison
Kamala Harris is a Pro-Abortion Zealot
12,000 Viable Babies are Killed in Late-Term Abortions in America Every Year

More Pro-Life News
Kamala Harris Would be Barack Obama’s 4th Presidential Term
Thousands of Christians Tell Walmart, Costo and Kroger: Don’t Sell Abortion Drugs
Pro-Life Groups Fight Hard to Stop Florida Amendment for Abortions Up to Birth
Kamala Harris is Wrong. Abortion Does Not Set Women Free
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Kamala Harris is a Pro-Abortion Zealot

12,000 Viable Babies are Killed in Late-Term Abortions in America Every Year

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.


Kamala Harris Would be Barack Obama’s 4th Presidential Term

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.