Wednesday, September 4, 2024 Pro-Life News Report 9/4/2024 Pro-Life News Report

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Top Stories
Indiana Abortions Drop 98% as Abortion Ban Saves Babies
Biden-Harris is Trying to Put Another Pro-Life American in Prison for Protesting Abortion
Polls Show Trump Leading Kamala in Key Battleground States
Florida Must Vote No on Amendment 4, Don’t Put Abortions Up to Birth in the State Constitution

More Pro-Life News
Baby Hope, Born at 25 Weeks, Proves Unborn Babies are Human Beings
She Could have Been Aborted, But Now Paralympic Swimmer Jessica Long is a Gold Medalist
Detrainsitioner Sues Planned Parenthood for Pushing Radical Trans Agenda on Her
The World is Running Out of Children as Global Birth Rates Collapse
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Polls Show Trump Leading Kamala in Key Battleground States

Florida Must Vote No on Amendment 4, Don’t Put Abortions Up to Birth in the State Constitution


Baby Hope, Born at 25 Weeks, Proves Unborn Babies are Human Beings

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