Friday, November 14, 2008

Tribulation Times -

Tribulation Times


November 14, 2008    


(1Th 5:16-18) Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing. In all things give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you all.

VIDEO: It's Friday, but Sunday's Comin'! - Fr. Frank Pavone

THANK YOU JESUS!: Abortionist Turned Pro-Life Apostle

FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT: Sign the Fight FOCA Petition! The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would eliminate every restriction on abortion nationwide . 

Reflection by Father Ted – – November 12, 2008

My dearest Lord Jesus, last Monday You reminded us of the importance of asking You for an increase in faith. You told us that if we had the faith the size of a tiny mustard seed we could do incredible things.

You want us to ask You frequently for this increase in the gift of faith.

Then today You showed to us ten people who asked in faith for a healing – a healing from the evil of leprosy.

You told them to go and show themselves to the priests – who would declare them cleansed of their leprosy. Yet when they left You, they had not yet been cleansed.

Only while they were walking to see the priests did they become healed.

Their leaving You and going off to see the priests indicated that they had faith.

Their faith enabled them to become healed.

But today You focused upon another gift that is even more important than faith - namely – thanksgiving or gratitude.

Only one of the ten returned to thank You.

Your comments about the other nine tells me that giving thanks to You is very important.

You don't need our thanks.

We do.

We need to give thanks – especially to You and to Your Father and Your Holy Spirit.

Yet how often do I express my thanks to You, my Lord? And, do I do so consciously?

Lord, help me to thank You more often. And help me to do so conscientiously.

That means that I also need to reflect on all the reasons for giving You thanks each day.

Also today, in the scriptural readings, You reminded us of the importance of praying for the needs of our leaders – both civic and religious.

They need our prayers – because they need Your help to fulfill their responsibilities.

Even when they do not realize that they need Your help, they do. Even when we do not realize that they need our prayers to help them to fulfill their responsibilities, we do.

So Lord Jesus, prompt us to pray for these leaders of us, both within the Church and within our civil government. May these leaders of ours fulfill their responsibilities as You desire. Help them to become saintly leaders. And help us to become saintly citizens of our Church and of our country.

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 11- "On talkativeness and silence"

2. Talkativeness is the throne of vainglory, on which it loves to show itself and make a display. Talkativeness is a sign of ignorance, a door to slander, an inducement to jesting, a servant of falsehood, the ruin of compunction, a creator and summoner of despondency, a precursor of sleep, the dissipation of recollection, the abolition of watchfulness, the cooling of ardour, the darkening of prayer.   

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