Dear Deacon,
I'll get to the London update in just a bit!
Over these last 38 days, babies have been saved ...
abortion workers have had changes of heart and quit
their jobs ... and two abortion centers have closed
for good.
Guess what? YOU can still be part of it!
It's not too late to pray at any of the 258 campaigns.
Saturday is usually the busiest day for abortions, so
know that your presence and you prayers are needed --
Please check for a location near you:
... and, if possible, join the vigil.
Yesterday, I asked for prayers for the London campaign,
as they were holding a major evening vigil in front of
the abortion center -- and they were told to expect a
pro-abortion counter-protest.
So here's a quick update.
"The event was a massive success," said Robert, the
40 Days for Life coordinator in London. "We had around
400 to 500 ... at least! A really positive vibe and
loads of media interest, too."
The vigil participants prayed and sang hymns. Even the
media characterized the vigil as "peaceful." A
pro-abortion group did show up -- blowing whistles,
banging drums and chanting slogans. But they had no
apparent impact on the vigil.
Robert sent a picture of the people praying outside
the abortion center -- this is one you REALLY want
to see! Please go to:
Now ... on to the rest of today's report!
The heart that God impacts the most during a 40 Days
for Life can be your own -- just read these stories
from the 40 Days for Life blog. For each of these
prayer volunteers, this is personal.
"This Lent was my first experience with 40 Days for
Life. I was very nervous the first day I showed up to
pray with people I had never met. I asked myself who
or what am I afraid of. It was a very good question
to ask myself.
"As a post-abortive woman myself, it was a huge step
to take in honoring my son, who was lost to abortion
in 1976. I am very grateful to God that I was able
to stand there, hold my head up, and pray ... to at
last DO something productive on this issue."
"I am inspired to say, 'Never to stop fighting for
life.' I had my first abortion at age 14 and hardly
knew what it meant -- then another through the
following years, still not understanding that it
was true lives being terminated.
"When a friend talked me out of a fourth at age 23,
it was the best thing me friend could have done. My
one and only son is now 18 and graduating high school.
It was the best decision I ever made."
"The devotional by Carmen Pate on Day 31 struck a
personal chord with me.
"I was one of those women seeking love and acceptance
wherever I could find it because I was living far away
from God. I, too, was faced with an unplanned pregnancy.
"I, too, wanted to 'get rid of it' (the pregnancy)
because it felt like it was the end of my life as I
knew it. It was a devastating feeling at the time.
"My doctor had the good sense to order an ultrasound at
four weeks, where I saw a tiny human heart -- a beating
and alive heart. I knew in that moment that I couldn't
stop that heartbeat. I got the sense that I had a duty
to protect the tiny person growing inside me.
"My daughter is now 13. She has been such a blessing in
my life. So, yes, my unplanned pregnancy was the end of
my life as I knew it. And I thank God daily for that.
"God bless all of you for your dedication and devotion
to preserving life and to loving and praying for the
unborn children and their mothers."
Today's devotional is from Carmen Pate, a member of
the 40 Days for Life board of directors.
Pray that volunteers will replace exhaustion or
discouragement with rejoicing over the miracles we
have seen thus far, and enthusiastic service as
God takes us on to victory!
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a
little while, if need be, you have been grieved by
various trials, that the genuineness of your
faith, being much more precious than gold that
perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be
found to praise, honor, and glory at the
revelation of Jesus Christ.
-- 1 Peter 1:6-7
REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life
We have reason to rejoice when we consider the
many babies whose lives have been saved during the
40 Days for Life campaign.
Add to those lives, the women and men who have
been spared from a devastating decision and now
have opportunity to make a plan for their baby
that is both life affirming and God honoring.
Whether directly, or indirectly, you have
contributed to these testimonies of praise with
your sacrificial service.
Perhaps you have been grieved by various trials
during your commitment to 40 days.
The attacks of the enemy come in many forms --
difficulties in relationships, finances, health.
Or maybe you are physically and mentally exhausted
and have been marking off the days on your
calendar, eagerly waiting for April 5.
Consider these trials in light of God's plan for
The Apostle Paul understood the big picture when
he said in Romans 8:18, "For I consider that the
sufferings of this present time are not worthy to
be compared with the glory which shall be revealed
in us."
This is our Hope and our victory. Let us rejoice
in the opportunity to give that Hope to others in
our path.
Dear Heavenly Father, we sing to You a new song,
for You have done marvelous things. Forgive us
when we allow circumstances to defeat us. You give
power to the faint and You increase strength in
those who have no might.
We rest in You, dear Lord, and ask You to empower
us again for Your service as You work out Your
plan for us and through us.
May You receive glory through our victory in
Christ, in whose name we pray, Amen.
To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:
To ensure that this 40 Days for Life finishes strong,
if there is any way you can carve out one extra hour
this weekend to go pray outside the nearest abortion
facility ... it could make a world of difference.
Who knows? God might even use you to help save a life!
Yours for Life,
Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life
PS: Have you prayed at an abortion facility for the
first time during this 40 Days for Life campaign?
If so, please share your experiences by responding to
today's blog entry at:
40 Days for Life
10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA