Thursday, September 24, 2020

LifeNews: Amy Barrett’s Record Shows Support for Pro-Life Laws



Judge Amy Coney Barrett, one of President Donald Trump’s top choices for the U.S. Supreme Court, is held in high regard by her law school colleagues and students. Pro-Life News Report

Thursday, September 24, 2020

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Amy Barrett’s Record Shows Support for Pro-Life Laws Saving Babies From Abortion
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Amy Barrett’s Record Shows Support for Pro-Life Laws Saving Babies From Abortion

Judge Amy Coney Barrett, considered a top choice for the U.S. Supreme Court, has a record of supporting pro-life laws during her time on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Nancy Pelosi Claims Republicans are “Coming After Your Children.” But She Supports Abortion

Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat leader who once called late-term abortions “sacred ground,” claimed Republicans are “coming after your children” Monday in an interview with MSNBC.

Catholic Bishop Blasts Joe Biden: He Will Force Americans to Fund Abortions

Illinois Catholic Bishop Thomas John Paprocki asked voters to consider how Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden wants to force Americans to fund abortions and keep abortion on demand legal before they vote in November.

Ballots in Pennsylvania Were Found in the Trash. They Were All Votes for Trump

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has found a number of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania discarded in the trash. They were ballots cast for President Donald Trump.

More than 100 Ohio pastors praised President Donald Trump for championing religious freedom and the rights of unborn babies in an open letter Thursday.

Thousands Expected to Attend Franklin Graham’s First-Ever Prayer March in Washington

Thousands of people are expected to convene in Washington, D.C., Saturday for Franklin Graham’s inaugural Prayer March, according to organizers.

ABC Pushes Vile Fake Claim That Amy Barrett’s Christian Group Inspired Handmaid’s Tale

On Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America tried to preemptively slander potential Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett by pushing the false claim that a Christian group she belonged to was the inspiration for the authoritarian theocracy depicted in the far-left fantasy, The Handmaid’s Tale.