Were there to be no support in the whole history of ethical and moral thought, were there no acknowledged confirmation from medical science, were the history of legal opinion to the contrary, we would still have to conclude on the basis of God's Holy Word that the unborn child is a person in the sight of God. He is protected by the sanctity of life graciously given to each individual by the Creator, Who alone places His image upon man and grants them any right to life which they have.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
40 Days For Life:DAY 39: Clergy who speak out
Friday, October 30, 2020
Tiny Premature Baby Boy Born at 23 Weeks Was Discovered Alive in the Morgue Fridge
Tiny Premature Baby Boy Born at 23 Weeks Was Discovered Alive in the Morgue Fridge
LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Friday, October 30, 2020
To read the news, visit LifeNews.com. |
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