Friday, April 23, 2021

ALL's Pro-Life This Week 4/23/2021


Featured Commentary
Canceling the Basic Right to Exist

In a well-written article entitled “A Proof of the Existence of God,” author James Kidd sets forth the truths that underscore the fact that God does exist and that because of His omnipotent power each and every one of us exists.

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Week in Review
This week, we present a story on how a small county in Colorado responded immediately to the threat of comprehensive sexuality education and stopped its planned immediate implementation in their schools.
ALL in the News

Following a New York Times article from the Planned Parenthood president on the organization’s racism, American Life League released a press statement noting this is a fact ALL has had on blast for decades. 

Pro-Life Social Media
If you’re pro-life and have an approximate relationship with racism, you get canceled. If you’re pro-abortion and have a legacy of White supremacy, that’s okay, because you’re pro- “reproductive justice.”
Video of the Week

Planned Parenthood is attempting to whitewash its racist history with op-eds in the New York Times. Admitting that the abortion empire has a legacy of bigotry and hate doesn’t negate its current record of fraud and bloodshed.

Action Item of the Week
Are you aware that if there is a comprehensive sexuality education program in your schools, much of what they are doing is illegal? You may be able to get your local law enforcement to shut it down.